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45 °
What is the location of the zygapophyseal joints in relation to the midsagittal plane ?
CR angled 5 ° -8 ° caudad to be parsellel to interilial line
When performing L5 - S1 what is recommended if the waist is not supported ?
Bottom edge of IR 1-2 in below iliac crest
CR for Right & Left bending scolosis
Males : CR 30 ° cephalad Females : CR 35 ° cephalad
CR angulation for AP axial projections of : SI joints
90 °
What is the location of the intervertebral foramina in relation to the midsagittal plane ?
Over rotated
When visualizing an oblique Lumbar spine, the Scotty dog's pedicle is placed more anterior in the vertebral body if the patient is over or under rotated?
Midsagittal plane
What planes should be lined up for the AP lumbar?
Midcoronal plane
When positioning a pt, what planes should be lined up for the Lateral L-Spine
Suspend on expiration
What is the respiration for the Lumbar Projections ?
Superior aspect of соссух
Where is the base located on the coccyx ?
What is the pointed tip of coccyx called?
• 14x17: CR @ lvl of iliac crest (L4-L5)
• 11x14: CR @ lvl of L3
CR location for an AP L-spine when using a 14x17 & 11x14 IR?
Reduce lordotic curvature
Why are knees and hips flexed for positioning an AP projection of the lumbar ?
Anterior oblique shows which side the upside or downside zygapophyseal joint ?
Sacrum/coccyx lie posteriorly to ASIS
Where is the sacrum/coccyx in relation to the ASIS?
• Sacrum: kVp 75-90
• Coccyx: kVp 75-85
How should the exposure factors be changed between a lateral coccyx & sacrum ?
• Superior articular Process
• Transverse Process
• zygapophyseal joint
• Pedicle
• Pars interarticularis
• Inferior articular Process
What bony anatomy makes up a Scottie dog?
-RPO : Right zygapophyseal joints -LPO : Left zygapophyseal joints
Which joint is visualized for zygapophyseal joints Downside
L5 - S1 joint space
Which joint is visualized for each of the obliques of SI joints ?
CR @ lvl of iliac crest L4-L5
CR for AP (or PA) L-Spine
Bottom edge of IR 1-2 in below iliac crest
CR for Lateral Hyperextension/Hyperflexion
CR 3-4 in posterior to ASIS
CR for Lateral Sacrum/Coccyx
@ lvl of T9-TIO
Xiphoid process
Apex of sacrum
Label D
Articular surface (sacroiliac joint)
Label G
Transverse process
Label B (nose)
Label F (btwn L4-L5)
PA places the intervertebral spaces more closely parallel to the diverging rays
Advantages of PA vs AP for lumbar ?
Inferior articular proces
Label D (leg)
So anatomy isn't obscured
Why is a lower bowel prep recommended when performing an AP axial view of the sacrum and coccyx ?
Against the IR
When radiographing a lateral projection of the spine for scoliosis where should the convexity of the spine be placed ?
Abnormal lateral curvature ; Dextro- to right , Levo- to left
Define scoliosis
Abnormal or convex curvature of thoracic spine
Define kyphosis
Abnormal anterior concavity of lumbar spine
Define Lordosis
Right zygapophyseal joints
LAO lumbar spine would show which joint ?
Zygapophyseal joints
Obliquing the lumbar spine 30 , 45 , and 50 degrees best visualizes which anatomy ?
When performing the Lateral L5 - S1 do you increase or decrease technique as compared to the lateral Lumbar ?
Lead shield or blocker & close collimation
What is recommended to reduce scatter to IR of Lateral sacrum & coccyx
Zygapophyseal joint
A 45° RPO shows which joint?
• RPO: Right zygapophyseal joint
• LPO: Left zygapophyseal joint
Which position is used for the Zygapophyseal joints to show downside or closest to the IR ?
Coccyx; Elderly be of fall risk
Proper name for tail bone is ? Also , who is most likely to fracture this bone ? Why ?
Pt is rotated 25°-30° posterior oblique
How is the patient positioned for the Oblique SI joints?
Males: 30° & Females: 35° cephalad angle
Where is the CR located and if an angle is used what is it for males and females for the AP SI joints ?
1-1 1/2 in. above the iliac crest corresponds to what vertebral level & anatomical landmark?
Iliac Crest is located at what vertebral lvl?
ASIS @ same lvl as S1-52
What lvl of the spine is the ASIS located?
• Lateral L-Spine: kVp 80-90
• Lateral L4-51: kVp 85-95
How should the exposure factors be changed between a lateral lumbar & L5-S1?
What degree of obliquity visualizes L1-L5 L-spine?
RAO : Left zygapophyseal joints LAO Right zygapophyseal joints
Which joint is visualized for zygapophyseal joints Upside
SI (Sacroiliac) Joints farthest from IR
Which joint is visualized for each of the obliques of SI joints ?
SI joints equidistant from spinous processess of spinous processes in midline of Verkbral colu Transverse processes equal length & open intervertebral joint spaces
What is the way to determine if there is rotation in an AP Lumbar ?
Pt positioned correctly correct technique
What can a technologist do to ensure optimal exposure of the lateral lumbar spine ?
CR 30° (males)/35° (females) cephalad, & to lvl of ASIS
CR for AP Axial L5-S1 L-Spine
Perpendicular to L3
CR for RPO/LPO L-Spine
CR @ lvl of iliac crest (L4-L5)
CR for Lateral L-Spine
CR 1.5 in. inferior to iliac crest & 2 in. posterer to ASIS; 5°-8° caudad
CR for Lateral L5-S1
CR 15° cephalad directed 2 in superior to pubic symphysis
CR for AP Axial Sacrum
CR 10° caudad directed 2 in superior to pubic symphysis
CR for AP Axial Coccyx
CR 30° (males)/35° (females) cephalad, & 2 in below lvl of ASIS
CR for AP Axial SI Joints
CR 1 in medial to upside ASIS
CR for Posterior Oblique (RPO/LPO) SI Soints
@ lvl of superior border of symphysis pubis
Prominence of Greater Trochanter
lvl as 1st or 2nd sacral segment
same lvl as junction of L4-L5 vertebrae
Superior portion of iliac crest
@ lvl of L2-L3
Lower costal margin
Lumbar vertebrae, fractures, scoliosis & neoplastic processes
What are the pathologic indications for AP (or PA) L-Spine
Defects of pars interarticularis
What are the pathologic indications for RPO/LPO L-Spine
Fractures, spondylolisthesis, neoplastic processes, & osteoporosis
What are the pathologic indications for Lateral L-Spine
Spondylolisthesis of L4-L5 or L5-S1 & other L5-S1 pathologies
Lateral L5 - S1
Pathology of Sacrum & fractures; Pathology of coccyx & Fractures
AP Axial Sacrum/Coccyx
Pathology of sacrum & coccyx
What are the pathologic indications for Lateral Sacrum/Coccyx
PA: Scoliosis
What are the names for (Ferguson Method)
Perpendicular to the IR(Bottom of IR 2 in below iliac crest)
CR for Right & Left Bending: Scoliosis
Bottom of IR 1-2 in. below iliac crest
CR for Lateral Hyperflexion & Hyperextension
Left superior articularprocess
Label A
Left ala or wing of sacrum
Label B
Pelvic (anterior) sacral foramina
Label C
Sacral canal (btwn superior articular processes)
Label E
Sacral promontory (also seen on frontal view)
Label F
Label H
Apex of coccyx
Label I
Horn (cornu) of coccyx
Label J
Horn (cornu) of sacrum
Label K
Median sacral crest
Label L
Superior articular process
Label A (ear)
Label C (eye)
Par interarticularis
Label E (neck)
Larger & more blunt
Compared to spinous processes of the cervical & thoracic spine, the lumbar spinous processes are?