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Should you have both POD and POP?
To have effective POD, you must have?
Desirability, Differentiation, and Deliverability
Sources of Brand Equity
Brand Image and Brand Awareness
What were early brands an identifier of?
Signified a company’s products
Brand Equity
Knowledge about a brand that impacts consumers’ response to the marketing of that brand
Brand Awareness
What are the products offered by the brand, benefits provided, and needs met by the brand
Brand Recognition
Consumers ability to recognize brand from past exposure when they see it in the present
Brand Recall
Brand is at the front of consumers minds and can be RECALLED
Brand Image
Unique to brand; How does the brand make products superior? What strong, favorable, and unique associations exist in consumers’ minds?
Brand Positioning
Determining how to position brand in the mind of your target consumers using key dimensions
Descriptive Segmentation
Brands segment based on personal characteristics, demographics, geographic
Behavioral Segmentation
Segment based on how they think or use the brand’s products; tends to be more effective however trickier to implement
Key Competitors
Often dictated by target market and based on overlap between brand’s target market and that of competitors
Competitive Points of Parity
Neutralize competitors point of differences; eliminate their source of competitive advantage
Correlational Points of Parity
Potentially negative; brands point of difference and industries different
EX: What’s healthy for us is less tasty
Points of Difference
Imagery and Performance.
Brand Salience
Notion of brand awareness; able to identify the general needs the brand completes; general information of brand
Brand Performance
How well brand meets consumers practical needs, functions, features, aesthetics
Brand Imagery
All about imbuing the brand with meaning, brand imagery relates to abstract notions
User profiles
Purchase and usage situations
Personality and values
History, heritage, & experiences
Brand Resonance
Making consumers form a relationship with the brand
Behavioral loyalty
Attitudinal attachment
Sense of community
Active engagement
Brand Building Implications
Don’t take shortcuts with brands
Brands should have duality
Use/affect both heart and mind
Brands should have richness
Brand resonance provides important focus
Brand Audit
The goal of the brand audit is to determine the brand’s sources of equity through a comprehensive audit; will show whether their current marketing efforts are sufficient
Brand Inventory
Firm’s perspective and how they market, design, promote and price their products; collect same information from brand’s key competitors as well as determining key points of parity and differences
Helps determine where consumer’s perception is coming from and where the brand’s perceived perception matches up with the actual one
Brand Exploratory
How consumers perceive the brand and the sources of equity that exist in consumers mind; sometimes will interview marketing managers to see how they think customers perceive the brand before they interview consumers (makes it apparent when there is a mismatch between brand and consumers)
Research involves talking to consumers who are the target market about brand and brand’s competitors
Quantitive Research
Follow up on raw associations using more guided survey based questions that have quantifiable responses (Ranking, Numerical Value, etc); test strength favorability and uniqueness that were first discovered in qualitative research
Free Association
Most popular, straightforward and effective to unlock consumers' brand perception; what comes to consumers' mind when they think of a word, brand, or idea?
EX: What comes to mind when you think of Nike?
More involved that relies on non-verbal information; collect 12 images that show how they think or feel about the brand and bring them to a intense 2 hour interview
Projective Techniques
Uncover consumers perception of brand when they are unwilling to share them; do so ambiguously; can use comparison tasks when comparing brand and something else unrelated; great way to get answers on a brand’s personalities and values
Brand Revitalization
Bringing a brand back to life
Back to Basics: EX: Burberry
Brand Reinvention: EX: Mountain Dew
Improving Brand Image
Identifying the target market
Retaining customers
Recapturing lost customers
Identify neglected customers
Obtain new customers
Repositioning the brand
Changing brand elements
Branded House
Maximizes the use of the parent brand; expected to have characteristics of parent brand
EX: GE Power, GE Aviation
House of Brands
There is a parent brand but all other brands underneath it are on their own
EX: P&G Brands such as Pampers, Tide, Crest
Subdivisions of main brand
EX: Toyota Camry, Toyota Prius, etc
Endorsed Brands
Parent brand plays a minor role with the focus being on the extension brand; flex the parent brand very subtly; lends credibility to extension
EX: Courtyard by Marriott; Residence Inn by Marriott
Depth of Awareness
How easily customers can recall or recognize the brand
Breadth of Awareness
The range of purchase and consumption situations in which the brand comes to mind
Negative Brand Equity
Lower trust in the brand; tends to happen when brand fails to deliver on what is expected of them; decreased customer loyalty, lower profit margins