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Surplus Value
Alienated Labor
Species being
Comparative Advantage
Division of Labor
Mode of Production
Forces of Production
Relations of Production
Lockean Proviso
Labor Theory of Property
Labor Theory of Value
Smith’s view of human nature
manorial system
Private Property Rights
Laissez faire
Marx’s justice in distribution
In the Manifesto, what do Marx and Engels argue about the Critical-Utopian Socialists? Why do they find the socialism of Owen, Saint-Simon, Fourier and others (497) deficient? How does their own revolutionary program correct for the deficiency?
Why did Britain industrialize first?
When did market capitalism arrive in its robust form? Why did it historically appear when it did? Please justify your view.
What is Marx's view of the liberal state? Please explain it.
To what extent does Adam Smith's view of "the invisible hand" survive Marx's critique of capitalism?
Compare Karl Marx and John Locke on the question of human freedom. What do they agree upon? What do they disagree about?