3 branches that draws corners of mouth upward. Origin: zygomatic bone. Insertion: orbicularis oris
Pushes your cheeks in when blowing out. Origin: muscles near mouth. Insertion: skin of lips
orbicularis oculi
Closes your eyes. Origin: maxillary and frontal bones. Insertion: skin around eyes
Causes the corners of your mouth to be drawn downward. Origin: fascia of the chest. Insertion: lower border in lower mandible
Furrowing your brow. Origin: occipital bone. Insertion: skin and muscles around the eye
Unfurrows your brow. Origin: occipital bone. Insertion: skin and muscles around the eye
epicranial aponeurosis
Connects the two portion of the Occipitofrontalis
Raises the mandible. Origin: zygomatic bone. Insertion: mandible
Closes jaw. Origin: temporal bone. Insertion: mandible
turn one side, head/chin to chest
splenius capitis
Rotates head, bends head to one side, or brings head into an upright position
semispinalis capitis
Rotates head, bends head to one side, or brings head into an upright position