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PacificSlope Flycatcher, Passeriformes Tyrannidae

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PacificSlope Flycatcher, Passeriformes Tyrannidae

Lines across wings beome somewhat orange yellowish in fall

<p>Lines across wings beome somewhat orange yellowish in fall</p>
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Northern Shrike, Passeriformes Laniidae

gray back, black wings, barring on stomach. Hooked bill

<p>gray back, black wings, barring on stomach. Hooked bill</p>
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Warbling Vireo, Passeriformes Vireonidae

Green color can become quite dull Sometimes has a bit of a crest like a mohawk

<p>Green color can become quite dull Sometimes has a bit of a crest like a mohawk</p>
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Canada Jay, Passeriformes Corvidae

Black wings, grey belly

<p>Black wings, grey belly</p>
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Stellars Jay, Passeriformes Corvidae

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American Crow, Passeriformes Corvidae

Note the size of bill

<p>Note the size of bill</p>
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Common raven, Passeriformes Corvidae

Note the size of bill

<p>Note the size of bill</p>
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Horned Lark, Passeriformes Alaudidae

distinct shape of crest

<p>distinct shape of crest</p>
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Tree Swallow, Passeriformes Hirundinidae

often near water blue back and head, very clear belly Wings progress from brown to green to blue color

  • Fall adults: green wings

  • Spring adults: blue wings

<p>often near water blue back and head, very clear belly Wings progress from brown to green to blue color</p><ul><li><p>Fall adults: green wings</p></li><li><p>Spring adults: blue wings</p></li></ul>
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Violet Green Swallow, Passeriformes Hirundinidae

White up sides of rump Wings are brown in juveniles but the white rump is retained.

<p>White up sides of rump Wings are brown in juveniles but the white rump is retained.</p>
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Barn Swallow, Passeriformes Hirundinidae

weird red thing like cliff swallow but less long and red patch above bill in flight, very forked tail

<p>weird red thing like cliff swallow but less long and red patch above bill in flight, very forked tail</p>
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Black Capped Chickadee, Passeriformes Paridae

Habitat Forests Small song: chicka dee dee dee dee

<p>Habitat Forests Small song: chicka dee dee dee dee</p>
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Chestnut backed Chickadee, Passeriformes Paridae

orange brown colored shoulder region

<p>orange brown colored shoulder region</p>
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Bushtit, Passeriformes Aegithalidae

Females have pale white eyes

<p>Females have pale white eyes</p>
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Red breasted Nuthatch, Passeriformes Sittidae

Note the streaks along head and orange belly

<p>Note the streaks along head and orange belly</p>
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Brown Creeper, Passeriformes Certhiidae

Note curved bill and brown spotted coloration

<p>Note curved bill and brown spotted coloration</p>
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Pacific Wren, Passeriformes Troglodytidae

Short tail, bronze/red coloring Note the pattern on belly, (black and white linings)

<p>Short tail, bronze/red coloring Note the pattern on belly, (black and white linings)</p>
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Marsh Wren, Passeriformes Troglodytidae

white supercill and much less wing moddeling wetkand bird NOTE THE STREAKS ON BACK

<p>white supercill and much less wing moddeling wetkand bird NOTE THE STREAKS ON BACK</p>
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Bewicks Wren, Passeriformes Troglodytidae

Long tail with white bars

<p>Long tail with white bars</p>
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American Dipper, Passeriformes Cinclidae

Juveniles have lighter belly coloration, Adults entirely black

<p>Juveniles have lighter belly coloration, Adults entirely black</p>
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Golden Crowned Kinglet, Passeriformes Regulidae

very bright white crown, black crow strips around, olive-like barred black wings call: high pitched walking and tumbling

<p>very bright white crown, black crow strips around, olive-like barred black wings call: high pitched walking and tumbling</p>
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Ruby crowned Kinglet, Passeriformes Regulidae

graysih/olive body Red patch on male crown usually concealed

<p>graysih/olive body Red patch on male crown usually concealed</p>
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Townsends solitaire, Passeriformes Turdidae

Note the wing coloring, patches on wing

<p>Note the wing coloring, patches on wing</p>
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Swainsons Thrush, Passeriformes Turdidae

brown head and back, white eye ring

<p>brown head and back, white eye ring</p>
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American Robin, Passeriformes Turdidae

Juveniles spotted on belly

<p>Juveniles spotted on belly</p>
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Varied Thrush, Passeriformes Turdidae

Lining and pattern on wings is preserved across sexes but the back coloring differs Male: Black Female: brown

<p>Lining and pattern on wings is preserved across sexes but the back coloring differs Male: Black Female: brown</p>
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