Biology test 2

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Photosynthesis equation

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Photosynthesis equation

6CO2 + 6H2O --> light energy --> C6H12O6 + 6O2

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Where do the light-dependent reactions take place?

within the thylakoid membranes

<p>within the thylakoid membranes</p>
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Where do the dark reactions take place?

stroma of the chloroplast

<p>stroma of the chloroplast</p>
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light-collecting units of the chloroplast; protein+chlorophyll

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Photosystem II

First; makes ATP

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Photosystem I

Second; makes NADPH

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light-dependent reactions

reactions of photosynthesis that use energy from light and water to produce ATP and NADPH

-happens in the thylakoid membrane

1.) Light enters through photosystem II and then I by photon being absorbed by chloroplasts within.

2.) Light excites H2O particles which makes them split into in electrons and Hydrogen protons ;O in H2O leaves. (Only happens in photosystem II)

3.) Light also excited these electrons, and causes them to leave and pass through integral proteins; Electrons from H2O replenish this.

4.) Photosystem I receives these electrons and also uses P2 generated supply, and sunlight causes it to work with NADP+ reductase to make NADPH.

5.) Hydrogen protons also split by P1 and light flow to ATP synthase to generate ATP.

Creates Energy- "photo"

<p>reactions of photosynthesis that use energy from light and water to produce ATP and NADPH</p><p>-happens in the thylakoid membrane</p><p>1.) Light enters through photosystem II and then I by photon being absorbed by chloroplasts within.</p><p>2.) Light excites H2O particles which makes them split into in electrons and Hydrogen protons ;O in H2O leaves. (Only happens in photosystem II)</p><p>3.) Light also excited these electrons, and causes them to leave and pass through integral proteins; Electrons from H2O replenish this.</p><p>4.) Photosystem I receives these electrons and also uses P2 generated supply, and sunlight causes it to work with NADP+ reductase to make NADPH.</p><p>5.) Hydrogen protons also split by P1 and light flow to ATP synthase to generate ATP.</p><p>Creates Energy- "photo"</p>
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NADPH: only in photosynthesis

NADH: cellular respiration: glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain

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light-dependent reactions

Calvin-Benson cycle;

1.) Carbon Fixation: 6 CO2 (◉ each)combine with 6 RuBP (◉◉◉◉◉) with RuBisCo to make 12 PGA (◉◉◉)

2.) Reduction: 12 ATP (2 per CO2 invested) and 12 NADPH turn into 12 ADP and 12 NAD+; this powers the 12 PGA (◉◉◉) to turn into 12 G3P (◉◉◉)

3) Regeneration: of 12 G3P (◉◉◉), 2 G3Ps (has 6 C total) are used to make 1 glucose; other 10 G3P (30 C total) use half of previous ATP (6 in this case) to regenerate 6 RuBP to start cycle again. (◉◉◉◉◉)

synthesis part; uses energy from light reaction plus CO2 to make glucose.

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Combustion Reaction


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cellular respiration formula

C6H12O2 + 6O2 ------> 6CO2 + 6H20 + Energy (ATP)

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carbs and oil can be fuel because

they are made of hydrocarbons

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aerobic respiration equation

small energy inversion+glucose + oxygen --> carbon dioxide + water + more energy

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aerobic respiration

breakdown of glucose ,using oxygen, to energy

-makes 32-38 ATP

3-4 Steps: Glycolysis; intermediate/ Link reaction step; Krebs cycle; ETC.

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Anaerobic vs. Aerobic

anaerobic: no oxygen, 2 ATP

aerobic: oxygen, 38 ATP

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order or of aerobic respiration

Glycolysis, intermediate, krebs, ETC.

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first step in releasing the energy of glucose, in which a molecule of glucose is broken into two molecules of pyruvates.

1.) 2 ATPs invested to split molecule in half ; halves called G3P EACH LOOKS LIKE: P-⦿◎⦿⦿/⦿◉◉◉/⦿◎⦿◎

2.) 2 Phosphates are added to make

P-⦿◎⦿⦿/⦿◉◉◉/⦿◎⦿◎-P per half

3.) 2 NAD+ take 2 hydrogen atoms for electrons, becoming 2 NADH and leaving each pyruvate appearing as: P-⦿◎⦿/⦿◉◉◉/⦿◎⦿◎-P (removes 1 hydrogen per half)

4.) 4 ATPs are receive phosphates leaving a net gain of 2 ATP and: each half appearing as: ⦿◎⦿/⦿◉◉◉/⦿◎⦿◎

5.) molecules are ready to be modified for following steps.

⦿◎⦿/⦿◉◉◉/⦿◎⦿◎ + ⦿◎⦿/⦿◉◉◉/⦿◎⦿◎made

(two pyruvates, 2 NADH and 2 ATPs)

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Intermediate/ Link reaction step


2nd; happens after Glycolysis:

1.) 1 Pyruvate (◉◉◉) enters and binds with 1 Coenzyme A (◘)

2.) Makes 1 Co2 (◉) leave and one NAD+ receives electrons from reaction to become 1 NADH

3.) This results in Acetyl-CoA, which is used to initiate Krebs cycle (◉◉-◘)

repeats twice, one per pyruvate in each glucose molecule. Net gain of 2 total NADH

<p>TAKES PLACE IN MATRIX (FLUID SPACE OF MITOCHONDRIA)</p><p>2nd; happens after Glycolysis:</p><p>1.) 1 Pyruvate (◉◉◉) enters and binds with 1 Coenzyme A (◘)</p><p>2.) Makes 1 Co2 (◉) leave and one NAD+ receives electrons from reaction to become 1 NADH</p><p>3.) This results in Acetyl-CoA, which is used to initiate Krebs cycle (◉◉-◘)</p><p>repeats twice, one per pyruvate in each glucose molecule. Net gain of 2 total NADH</p>
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Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)


3rd; happens after acetyl-CoA step

1.) 1 oxaloacetic acid (◉◉◉◉) combines with the acetyl-CoA (◉◉-◘) to form CITRIC ACID; co enzyme A leaves (-◘). =(◉◉◉◉◉◉)

2.) 1 NAD+ turns to NADH as electrons are stripped off it, causing 1 CO2 to leave (-◉) an resulting in: ◉◉◉◉◉

3.) another NAD+ turns to NADH causing another CO2 to leave (-◉), causing: ◉◉◉◉

4.) An ADP is turned to ATP

5.) FAD is turned to FADH2

6.) another NAD+ is turned to NADH, resulting in significant energy plus oxaloacetic acid regeneration.

products: 3 NADH, 1 ATP, FADH2, 2 CO2 waste and oxoacetic acid.

per two pyruvates: 6 NADH, 2 ATP, 2 FADH2, 4 CO2 waste and two oxoacetic acid.


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Electron Transport Chain (ETC)


happens last

1.) NADH AND FADH2 donate protons and electrons to start process.

2.) electrons pass through membrane proteins until it binds with oxygen gas and other proton to form WATER

3.) Protons head out wards and go through ATP synthase to become ATP, created final product of about 32 ATP.

products 32 ATP plus water

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anaerobic respiration

two types: Lactic Acid and Alcohol fermentation.

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lactic acid fermentation

usually done by animals and humans when lack of oxygen and some bacteria.

1.) Glycolysis occurs, creating 2 ATP and 2 pyruvates

2.)1 Pyruvate (◉◉◉) is given protons and electrons, turning 1 NADH to NAD+.

3.) Pyruvate + (H+ & e-)= Lactic Acid (◉◉◉)

Net gain of only 2 ATP which is only given in Glycolysis

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alcohol fermentation

usually done in yeasts; some bacteria.

1.) Glycolysis occurs, creating 2 ATP and 2 Pyruvates.

2.) 1 Pyruvate (◉◉◉) is given protons and electrons, turning 1 NADH to NAD+.

3.) 1 CO2 molecule leaves the pyruvate (-◉)

4.) 2-C pyruvate + (h+ & e-) = ETHANOL (◉◉)

Net gain of only 2 ATP which is only given in Glycolysis

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obligate anaerobes

carry out fermentation or anaerobic respiration and cannot survive in the presence of O2 (ex. fungi, botulinum.)

<p>carry out fermentation or anaerobic respiration and cannot survive in the presence of O2 (ex. fungi, botulinum.)</p>
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obligate aerobes

organisms that must pretty much always be exposed to oxygen in order to survive. (ex. humans.)

*can sometimes do anaerobic but can not rely on it for long enough

<p>organisms that must pretty much always be exposed to oxygen in order to survive. (ex. humans.)</p><p>*can sometimes do anaerobic but can not rely on it for long enough</p>
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facultative anaerobes

organisms that will do aerobic respiration is O2 is present but get by anaerobic respiration well. (ex. E Coli.)

<p>organisms that will do aerobic respiration is O2 is present but get by anaerobic respiration well. (ex. E Coli.)</p>
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