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Philosophus Athenodorus venit Athenas; legit titulum que audito pretio
The philosopher Athenodorus came to Athen; he read the notice and having heard about the price
Percunctatus omnia quia vilitias suspecta docetur
Having investigated everything, because the cheapness raised his suspicions, he was encouraged
Ac nihilio minus immo tanto magic; conducit
And not at all less but truly so much more, he rented it
Ubi coepit advesperascere, iubet sterni sibi in prima domus parte
When it began to get dark, he ordered a couch to be laid in the front part of the house
poscit pugillares stilum lumen, suos omnes in interiora; dimmit omnes suos in interiora
He asked for writing tablets, a pen and a lamp; he sent away all his people to the inner part of the house
Ipse intendit animum oculos manum ad scibendum
He himself devoted his mind, eyes and hand to writing
vacua mens ne fingeret simuclacra et insanes metus
So that his unoccupied thought would not make up imagined noises and empty fears
Inito, quale ubique silentium noctis
In the beginning, like everywhere there was the silence of the night
Dein ferrum concuti vincula moveri
Then iron was clanging, chains were being moved
ille non tollere oculos, non remittere stilum, sed offirmare animum auribusque praetendere.
He did not lift his eyes, he did not put down his pen, but strengthened his mind and pretended with hears that he heard nothing
Tum fragor crebescere adventare et iam audiri ut in limine, iam ut intra limine
Then the noise seemed to increase, to approach and now to be heard as if on the threashold, now as if inside
Respicit, videt agnoscitque narratam sibi effigiem.
He looked round, he saw and he recognised the apparition as had been told to him
Stabat que innuebat digito similis vocanti
It was standing and was beckoning with a finger like calling
Hic significat manu ut exsepectaret paulum que incumbit ceris et stilo rursus
He made a sign with hand to wait a little and bent over to his wax tablets and pen again
Illa insonabat catenis capiti scribentis
It began rattling with its chains at the head of the man writing