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The first dynasty in Chinese history.
Dynasty of the northern kingdom of China that ruled during the time of strong economic growth.
Putting knowledge to effective use.
Formed from a mixture of fiber, rags, and water; first developed in China.
An instrument that uses lodestone, a magnetic material, to find location.
Combination of ingredients, including saltpeter, that forms an explosive powder.
Developed by the Chinese using woodblocks and later moveable type.
Iron (cast iron)
Formed when iron ore and a small amount of carbon and silicon are heated to about 1200° C
Ancestor worship
The practice of praying to dead family members.
Chinese teacher that developed a philosophy based on relationships.
Religion based on the four noble truths.
A passive Chinese religion that emphasizes living in peace and harmony with nature.
Developed the teachings of Taoism.
System in which local rulers controlled large estates called manors and the people served their local ruler in exchange for a place to live on the estate.
The title of a Japanese clan's leader; means "great general".
Unwritten Japanese military code of the samurai.
Ritual suicide practiced by Japanese warriors
A Japanese religion that taught nature worship, the deity of the emperor, and patriotism.
Zen Buddhism
Version of Buddhism that teaches intense mental concentration and self-control.
Angkor Wat
One of over one thousand temples built in Ankor (Cambodia).
A movable house used by the Mongols.
Chinggis Khan
A Mongol title meaning "Great Ruler," and the title given to the Mongol Empire's founder.
Great Yasa
Law code by Chinggis Khan that dealt with every area of life.
Siege warfare
Method of conquest in which enemy forces surround a city and mount repeated attacks.
Pretend retreat
Military tactic by which an enemy pretends to abandon the fight in order to draw its opponents out in the open.
Term meaning "divine wind" that referred to seemingly miraculous storms that protected Japan from the Mongol invasion.
Batu Khan
A grandson of Chinggis Khan who led an invasion into eastern Europe.
Battle of Liegnitz
Where Poles, Czechs, and Germans tried to stop the Mongols.
Golden Horde
A mongol empire based in Western Asia and founded by Batu khan.
The name of the Mongol god, meaning 'the great god of heaven".
A man in Mongol religion who is believed to have power over spirits.
Chinese dynasty that sought to remove all traces of Mongol rule; restored native Chinese rule.
Mongol leader who was lame but became a powerful conqueror.
The last Mongol empire; located in India and founded by Muslim leader Babur who conquered a large region in northern India.
Grandson of Babur who continued the brutal conquest of India ; expanded the Mughal Empire to the west, east, and south to central India.
Taj Mahal
One of India's greatest pieces of architecture; built during the Mughal rule.