Creating Media

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Visual Codes

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36 Terms


Visual Codes

Elements such as camera shots, angles, lighting, color schemes, and mise-en-scène used in media to convey meaning and create specific atmospheres.

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Technical Codes

Techniques like editing, special effects, sound design, and typography employed to assemble shots, enhance storytelling, and affect aesthetics in media products.

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Audio Codes

Components like music, dialogue, sound effects, and voiceovers utilized to set tones, convey plot, and enhance realism in media.

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Written Codes

Aspects including headlines, captions, speech bubbles, and written narratives used in media to provide context, summarize content, and indicate dialogue.

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Semiotic Analysis

Involves denotation, connotation, and signifier/signified concepts to analyze the explicit and associated meanings of signs in media.

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Choice of Elements

Involves selection, combination, and exclusion of media language elements to construct narratives, portray reality, and convey messages.

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Influences on Meaning

Factors like creating narratives, portraying reality, constructing viewpoints, and conveying messages that influence how audiences interpret media products.

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Technology and Media Language

Explores the relationship between technological advancements and the interpretation of media, including impacts on meaning and interactivity.

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Generic Conventions

Covers codes and conventions related to genres, stylistic elements, establishment of styles, and cross-media conventions in media products.

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Focuses on references, remakes, shared universes, and audience interpretation of intertextual elements in media products.

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Media Representations

Discusses mediation, framing, agenda setting, bias, narrative construction, symbolic representation, and the choices media producers make in representing events, social groups, and ideas.

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refers to the process through which media creators interpret, select, and shape reality.

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Narrative Construction

Media shapes public perception by highlighting certain narratives, using specific language, and employing particular imagery. This constructed reality can influence public opinion and societal norms.

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Symbolic Representation

The use of symbols and metaphors to convey complex ideas. For example, the Statue of Liberty is often used in media to symbolize freedom and democracy.

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The process through which information is filtered for dissemination, with media producers acting as gatekeepers who decide what is newsworthy.

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Narrative Techniques

The use of storytelling techniques to construct and present chosen elements, such as character development and plot structure.

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Intermediary Role

Media acts as an intermediary between reality and the audience, shaping perceptions through selective representation.

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Examines the functions, uses, establishment, and variation of stereotypes in media, including their simplification, reinforcement, and impact on audience understanding.

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Themes and Ideologies

Explores the representation of viewpoints, messages, values, and beliefs in media, including conveying ideologies, reinforcement across media products, and social, cultural, and political significance.

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Theoretical Perspectives on Gender and Representation

Considers feminist approaches, challenging stereotypes, intersectionality, and the portrayal of gender in media from diverse perspectives.

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Intersectional Analysis

Highlights the complex realities of individuals navigating multiple systems of oppression and privilege.

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Demographic Targeting

Tailoring media products based on age, gender, income, and education levels of the audience.

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Psychographic Targeting

Tailoring media content to specific lifestyles, interests, values, and attitudes of the target audience.

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Behavioral Targeting

Using data on purchase history and media consumption habits to target specific consumer groups.

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Geographic Targeting

Focusing media content on local or global audiences based on regional relevance.

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Niche Audiences

Small, specialized groups with specific interests catered to by niche media products.

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Mass Audiences

Large, diverse groups with broad interests targeted by mass-market media products.

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Distribution Channels

Traditional and digital platforms used to reach audiences with media content.

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Data Analytics

Collection and analysis of user data to understand audience behavior and preferences.

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Social Media

Platforms enabling direct interaction, audience insights, and viral marketing for media products.

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Content Personalization

Customizing content through recommendation algorithms and tailored experiences for users.

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Engagement Metrics

Metrics like view counts, likes, comments, and watch time used to measure audience engagement.

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Media texts having multiple meanings based on audience background and context.

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Reception Theory

Different ways audiences interpret media content - preferred, negotiated, and oppositional readings.

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Uses and Gratifications Theory

How audiences use media for diversion, personal relationships, personal identity, and surveillance.

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Social and Individual Differences

Cultural background, personal experience, social context, and identity factors influencing media interpretation.

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