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Equilibrium Rate
Rate of forward and reverse reactions equal. (the amount IS NOT necessarily equal)
Equilibrium Constant (K)
Fixed value at constant temperature for reactions.
-does not include solids or pure liquids. Only includes aqueous or gasseous
Rate Constant (k)
Proportionality factor in rate equations.
Partial Pressure
Pressure exerted by a single gas component.
ICE Tables
Initial, Change, Equilibrium
-how much is there to begin, what changes, E amount at equilibrium
Common Ion Effect
Decrease in solubility due to common ions.
Solubility Product (Ksp)
Product of ion concentrations at saturation.
what is ∆n
mols of gasseous product - reactants in reaction
-if ∆n = 0. Kp = Kc
-if ∆n does not = 0. Kc != Kp
How does K change when EQ changes?
if adding EQ's - multiply K values
if doubling EQ - K^2
if flipping EQ - reciprocal of K
if diving by 2 - square root
-constant at any state in the reaction.
-essentially you can put any values in and it will give you a constant, but this is not the equilibrium constant
-if Kp=Qp then the reaction is at equilibrium
Dynamic Equilibrium
Continuous process where rates of reactions equal.
Le Chatelier's Principle
System shifts to counteract changes in equilibrium.
-can use Q by comparing to the K value from there
Le chatelier with a smaller container
pressure increases, so overall, the pressure must decrease
-ess use the Q and the degree to determine what needs to change
Reaction Stoichiometry
Relationship between reactants and products in reactions.
Aqueous Solutions (aq)
Solutions where water is the solvent.
Gas Phase (g)
State of matter where substances are gaseous.
Solid Phase (s)
State of matter where substances are solid.
Liquid Phase (l)
State of matter where substances are liquid.
Equilibrium Moles
Moles of substances present at equilibrium.
Temperature Effect
Change in temperature affects equilibrium position.
Pressure Effect
Change in pressure affects gaseous equilibria.
Kp vs Kc
Kp uses partial pressures; Kc uses concentrations.
Equilibrium Shift
Change in concentration causes shift in equilibrium.
Insoluble Compounds
Substances that do not dissolve significantly in water.