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4 common characteristics of those with PD
inflexible and maladaptive responses to stress/ lack resilience, disability in working with and loving others, ability to evoke interpersonal conflict and provoke negative reactions, difficulty recognizing that problems with others are due to their own personality
DSM5 criteria of personality disorders
an enduring deviation of inner experience and behavior of at least 2 of the following: cognition, affect, interpersonal functioning, impulse control
cluster A
type of cluster where behaviors are odd or eccentric
cluster B
type of cluster where behaviors are dramatic, emotional, erratic
cluster C
type of cluster where behaviors are anxious and fearful
paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal
cluster A personality disorders
antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic,
cluster B personality disorders
dependent, obsessive compulsive, avoidant
cluster C personality disorders
suspicious, hold grudges, unforgiving, very critical but have difficulty accepting criticism, cold, unemotional, no sense of humor
paranoid PD characteristics
avoid being overly friendly, be neutrally kind, establish trust, be clear and straightforward, get it in writing
nursing considerations for paranoid PD
no desire for relationships, loners, cold, flat affect
schizoid PD characteristics
don’t try to re-socialize, avoid being overly friendly, need thorough assessment questioning
nursing considerations for schizoid PD
withdrawn, aloof, have odd beliefs, magical thinking, superstitious, social anxiety, have few close relationships, can be precursor to schizophrenia
schizotypal PD characteristics
respect need for isolation, avoid being overly friendly, be clear and straightforward
nursing considerations for schizotypal PD
steal, lie, deceitful, irresponsible, lack of remorse/ have no empathy, can be charming, interact with others using manipulation and/ or aggression, substance abuse (#1 comorbid illness)
antisocial PD characteristics
avoid being manipulated as pt. may use flattery or guilt, set clear expectations to be followed by all staff
nursing considerations for antisocial PD
intense and unstable relationships, tension between dependence and rejection, impulsive and damaging behaviors, emotional dysregulation, suicidal or self-mutilating in response to perceived rejection, emotional emptiness, splitting, black and white thinking, outburst of emotion
characteristics of borderline PD
avoid manipulation, avoid rejecting or rescuing client, be straightforward with clear and consistent boundaries, must be physically present, assess for safety, nurse must be self-aware of emotions
nursing considerations for borderline PD
draw attention to themselves, concerned about appearance, excessive emotionality, rapidly shifting emotion from person to person, shallow, superficial, no empathy, only care about themselves, instant gratification with affection
histrionic PD characteristics
remain professional, reinforce personal qualities (rather than just focusing on physical appearance)
nursing considerations for histrionic PD
uses others to meet their needs, persistent entitlement, belittles others, grandiose, self-absorbed, lacks empathy, controlling, overcompensation for low self esteem
narcissistic PD characteristics
convey self-confidence, avoid power struggles, reinforce social appropriateness
nursing considerations for narcissistic PD
overly agreeable, passive, unable to be without relationship, clingy, lacks own interests, difficulty making decisions
dependent PD characteristics
identify real vs perceived needs, meet needs with limits, teach assertiveness
nursing considerations for dependent PD
inflexible, rigid, need to be in control, perfectionistic, prioritize work over leisure or relationships, decreased decisions due to preoccupation with details, highly moral and ethical, have lists/ rules/ schedules/ “should”
obsessive compulsive PD characteristics
avoid power struggles, look for intellectualization, rationalization, and rxn formations
nursing considerations for obsessive compulsive PD
social phobia, feel inadequate, fears criticism and rejection, feel inferior and unappealing, avoid new situations
avoidant PD characteristics
be friendly and reassuring, gradually introduce to social situations
nursing considerations for avoidant PD
interventions for personality disorders
treat symptoms (anxiety, mood swings, aggression, etc.), teaching, protect from harm of self and others, milieu therapy, role play, journaling, mood monitoring, cognitive behavioral approaches, social skills training