โ Stratosphere
๐น Contains 97% of atmospheric ozone
๐น Located 9โ25 miles (15โ40 km) above Earth
โ Formation of Stratospheric Ozone
๐น UV radiation breaks oxygen molecules (Oโ) into atomic oxygen (O)
๐น Atomic oxygen (O) combines with oxygen molecules (Oโ) to form ozone (Oโ)
๐ Types of UV Radiation
๐ต UVA โ Closest to visible light; causes skin tanning
๐ด UVB โ Causes sunburns & skin cancer
๐ฃ UVC โ Forms ozone in the stratosphere
๐ก Ozone Layer
๐น Found 9โ19 miles (15โ30 km) above Earth
๐น Shields Earth from harmful UVB radiation
โ Ozone (Oโ)
๐น Highly reactive molecule
๐น Constantly formed & broken down in the stratosphere
๐จ Ozone-Depleting Chemicals
โ Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
๐ Nonflammable chemicals with carbon, chlorine, & fluorine
๐ Reach stratosphere & break down ozone
โ Halocarbons (Halons)
๐ Organic chemicals with carbon & halogens (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine)
๐ No natural reservoirs of CFCs or halons โ Their chemical stability allows them to persist & damage ozone
๐ป Effects of Ozone Depletion
๐พ Lower crop production
๐ฆ Weaker immune system
๐ Decline in phytoplankton โ Disrupts food webs
๐ก Cooling of the stratosphere
๐พ Harmful effects on animals
๐ Increased cataracts
๐งฌ Higher DNA mutations โ Skin cancer risk
๐ฅ More sunburns & skin damage
โ Ways to Reduce Ozone Depletion
๐ Support legislation to ban ozone-depleting chemicals
๐ฐ Tax tariffs on products from countries still using CFCs
๐ Rebates for recycling old fridges & air conditioners
โ Use helium, ammonia, propane, or butane instead of HCFCs & CFCs
โ The Greenhouse Effect
๐น Sunlight strikes Earth's surface
๐น Some energy is reflected as infrared radiation (heat)
๐น Greenhouse gases absorb infrared radiation and trap heat in the atmosphere
๐ Result โ Warmer Earth, maintaining temperatures suitable for life
๐ฅ Major Greenhouse Gases (GHGs)
1โฃ Carbon Dioxide (COโ)
๐ธ From burning fossil fuels, deforestation
๐ธ Most abundant human-caused GHG
2โฃ Methane (CHโ)
๐ธ From livestock, landfills, natural gas leaks
๐ธ Traps 25x more heat than COโ over 100 years
3โฃ Water Vapor (HโO)
๐ธ Most abundant natural greenhouse gas
๐ธ Warms atmosphere but does not accumulate like COโ
4โฃ Nitrous Oxide (NโO)
๐ธ From agriculture, fertilizers, fossil fuels
๐ธ 300x stronger than COโ at trapping heat
5โฃ Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) & Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
๐ธ From refrigerants, aerosols, air conditioners
๐ธ Highly potent but in lower concentrations
๐ก Effects of the Greenhouse Effect
๐ฅ Global warming โ Rising temperatures
๐ Melting glaciers & rising sea levels
๐ช More extreme weather (hurricanes, heatwaves)
๐พ Changes in ecosystems & agriculture
๐พ Threats to biodiversity
โ Ways to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
๐ฑ Use renewable energy (solar, wind, hydro)
๐ Reduce fossil fuel use (electric cars, public transport)
๐ฒ Reforestation & afforestation (plant more trees)
๐ Increase energy efficiency (LED bulbs, insulation)
๐ Reduce waste & methane emissions (composting, recycling)
๐ Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
1โฃ Agriculture
๐ธ Emissions mostly from managing agricultural soils
๐ธ Livestock and fertilizer use contribute
2โฃ Commercial & Residential Buildings
๐ธ On-site energy generation
๐ธ Burning fuels for heating and cooking
3โฃ Energy Supply
๐ธ Burning coal, natural gas, and oil for electricity and heat
๐ธ Largest source of global greenhouse gas emissions
4โฃ Industry
๐ธ Burning fossil fuels at facilities for energy
๐ธ Cement manufacturing contributes significant COโ
5โฃ Land Use & Forestry
๐ธ Deforestation (removal of carbon sinks)
๐ธ Land clearing for agriculture, strip-mining, fires, peat decay
6โฃ Transportation
๐ธ Burning fossil fuels for road, rail, air, and marine transport
7โฃ Waste & Wastewater
๐ธ Landfill methane (CHโ) emissions
๐ธ Waste incineration and wastewater treatment
๐ฟ Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Gas
1โฃ Carbon Dioxide (COโ)
๐ธ Released by deforestation and burning fossil fuels
๐ธ Naturally from respiration and volcanic eruptions
2โฃ Methane (CHโ)
๐ธ Contributed by agricultural activities, waste management, and energy use
3โฃ Nitrous Oxide (NโO)
๐ธ Fertilizer use is the primary source of emissions
4โฃ Fluorinated Gases
๐ธ Industrial processes, refrigeration, and consumer products
๐ธ Includes HFCs, PFCs, and SF6
5โฃ Black Carbon (Soot)
๐ธ A solid particle/aerosol, not a gas, but still warms the atmosphere
1โฃ Oceans Contain More COโ
๐ธ The world's oceans contain more carbon dioxide than the atmosphere.
2โฃ Pole-Wide Warming
๐ธ Atmospheric temperatures, cloud cover, surface albedo, and water vapor cause pole-wide warming.
๐ธ The north and south poles are warming faster due to energy carried through large weather systems.
3โฃ Ocean Currents Carry Heat
๐ธ Ocean currents help distribute heat around the Earth.
๐ธ As oceans absorb heat, sea surface temperatures rise, and ocean circulation patterns change.
4โฃ Ocean Heat and Global Climate
๐ธ Even small changes in ocean heat can affect the global climate significantly.
5โฃ Average Global Air Temperature Rise
๐ธ Air temperatures are 5ยฐF to 9ยฐF (3ยฐC to 5ยฐC) warmer than pre-industrial times.
6โฃ Climate Effects of Warming
๐ธ Higher temperatures may increase storm frequency/severity, flooding, aquifer recharge, and sedimentation.
7โฃ Coastal Wetland Threats
๐ธ Global warming may completely alter estuaries and coastal wetlands.
๐ธ Sea-level rise threatens coastal biota, which can't move inland due to coastal development.
8โฃ Displacement due to Coastal Flooding
๐ธ The UN estimates 150 million people will need relocation by 2050 due to flooding, erosion, and agricultural disruption.
9โฃ Decrease in Glaciers
๐ธ The total surface area of glaciers has decreased by 50% since the end of the 19th century.
๐ Antarctica's Role in Ice
๐ธ Antarctica holds 90% of Earth's ice and 70% of freshwater.
๐ธ If Antarctic ice melted, sea levels could rise by 200 feet (60 m).
1โฃ1โฃ Greenhouse Gases and Climate
๐ธ Greenhouse gases trap solar radiation and warm the Earth's climate.
1โฃ2โฃ Health Risks from Global Warming
๐ธ Higher temperatures increase heat-related deaths, diseases like malaria, and bacterial infections.
1โฃ3โฃ Arctic Species Affected
๐ธ Arctic fauna, like polar bears, are severely impacted by the loss of ice floes and disrupted food webs.
1โฃ4โฃ Tectonic Movements
๐ธ The movement of tectonic plates creates volcanoes and mountains, impacting climate.
1โฃ5โฃ Volcanic Gases and Climate
๐ธ Volcanic gases in the stratosphere affect climate for long periods.
1โฃ6โฃ Solar Cycles and Temperature
๐ธ The solar cycle affects global temperatures by ~0.1ยฐC, warmer during solar maximums and cooler during solar minimums.
1โฃ7โฃ Fish Migration Due to Warming
๐ธ Warm-water fish are moving into areas once inhabited by cold-water species due to river and stream warming.
1โฃ8โฃ Arctic Methane Release
๐ธ Arctic methane release from melting glaciers creates a positive feedback loop, accelerating global warming.
1โฃ9โฃ Historical Sea-Level Rise
๐ธ Sea levels have risen 400 feet (120 m) since the last ice age.
๐ธ From 1900, sea levels have risen 3 mm per year.
2โฃ0โฃ Ocean Acidification
๐ธ Atmospheric COโ reacts with seawater to form carbonic acid, leading to ocean acidification.
๐ International Climate Agreements
2โฃ1โฃ Kyoto Protocol (2005)
๐ธ A UN plan to reduce climate change effects, aiming for emission reductions.
2โฃ2โฃ Montreal Protocol (1987)
๐ธ An international treaty to phase out substances causing ozone depletion.
2โฃ3โฃ Paris Agreement (2016)
๐ธ Aimed at keeping global temperature rise below 2ยฐC above pre-industrial levels, with each country setting its own mitigation plans.
๐ธ Plants are more vulnerable to habitat loss because:
๐น Cannot migrate
๐น Cannot seek nutrients or water
๐น Seedlings must survive in degraded conditions
๐น Seed dispersal rates are slow
๐ธ Animals can cope with habitat destruction through:
๐น Migration
๐น Adaptation
๐น Acclimatization
What Affects Animal Migration?
๐น Access routes or corridors
๐น Magnitude and rate of degradation
๐น The organism's ability to migrate
๐น Proximity and availability of new habitats
๐งฌ Adaptation to Environmental Changes
๐ธ Adaptation is the ability of an organism to survive changing environmental conditions.
๐ธ Adaptation depends on:
๐น Birth rate
๐น Gene flow between populations
๐น Genetic variability
๐น Population size
๐น Length of generation
๐น Magnitude and rate of degradation
โ Acclimatization
๐ธ Acclimatization is the process by which an organism adjusts to gradual changes in the environment.
๐ธ Acclimatization depends on:
๐น Physiological and behavioral limitations
๐น Magnitude and rate of degradation
๐ฟ Invasive Species
๐ธ Invasive species are plants or animals transported to areas where they do not naturally live.
๐ Characteristics of Invasive Species
๐ธ Invasive species typically have the following characteristics:
๐น Abundant in native range
๐น Broad diet
๐น High dispersal rates
๐น High genetic variability
๐น High rates of reproduction
๐น Live in close association with humans
๐น Long-lived
๐น Pioneer species
๐น Short generation times
๐น Tolerant of a wide range of environmental conditions
๐น Vegetative or clonal reproduction
๐ณ Examples of Invasive Species
8โฃ Dutch Elm Disease
๐ธ Dutch elm disease is transmitted by elm bark beetles, killing over half of the elm trees in the northern US.
9โฃ European Green Crabs
๐ธ European green crabs were introduced to the San Francisco Bay area in 1989, threatening commercial fisheries.
๐ Water Hyacinth
๐ธ Water hyacinth, an aquatic plant from South America, crowds out native aquatic plants, blocks sunlight for submerged plants, and clogs waterways and intake pipes.
1โฃ1โฃ Zebra Mussels
๐ธ Zebra mussels can attach to almost any hard surface, clogging water intake pipes, attaching to boats, docks, and even native mussels and crayfish.
๐ฆ Endangered Species
๐ธ A species considered to be facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.
๐ Factors for Endangerment Label
๐น Breeding success rate
๐น Known threats
๐น Population increase/decrease over time
๐น Number of animals remaining
๐ Arguments for Protecting Endangered Species
๐ธ Reasons for protection include:
๐น Maintaining genetic diversity
๐น Keystone species
๐น Indicator species
๐น Aesthetic, ecological, educational, historical, recreational, and scientific value
๐น Preserving the yet-to-be-discovered value of certain species
๐ฑ Characteristics Contributing to Endangerment
๐ธ Factors include:
๐น Competition for food with humans
๐น High infant mortality
๐น Sensitivity to environmental changes
๐น Hunting for sport
๐น Introduction of nonnative species
๐น Limited environmental tolerance
๐น Limited geographic range
๐น Loss of habitat
๐น Low reproductive rates
๐น Slow movement
๐น Lack of natural predators
๐น Difficulty adapting quickly
๐น Commercial hunting for body parts
๐น Need for large territory
๐น Small population size
๐น Specialized feeding behaviors
๐น Disease spread by humans or livestock
๐น Superstitions
๐ฆ Examples of Species Contributing to Endangerment
๐น African penguins - Compete for food with humans
๐น Leatherback turtles - High infant mortality
๐น Cotton-top tamarins - Sensitive to environmental changes
๐น Passenger pigeons, blue whales, Bengal tigers - Hunting for sport
๐น Bandicoots - Threatened by introduced cats
๐น Frogs - Sensitive to water pollution and habitat destruction
๐น Pandas - Limited geographic range
๐น Salmon in the Pacific Northwest - Loss of habitat from human activities
๐น Red wolves, Whooping cranes - Loss of habitat
๐น Whales, elephants, orangutans - Low reproductive rates
๐น Desert tortoises - Slow movement
๐น Dodo birds, Stellerโs sea cows - No natural predators
๐น Polar bears - Not able to adapt quickly to climate change
๐น Sharks, elephants, rhinoceros - Commercial value of body parts
๐น Tigers - Require large territories
๐น Tigers - Small population size and limited genetic diversity
๐น Pandas - Specialized diet (Bamboo)
๐น African wild dogs - Disease spread
๐น Aye ayes - Killed due to superstition
๐ณ Maintaining Biodiversity
๐ธ Strategies include:
๐น Creating and expanding wildlife sanctuaries
๐น Establishing breeding programs for endangered species
๐น Managing habitats and monitoring land use
๐น Updating laws that protect endangered species
๐น Protecting habitats through private or governmental land trusts
๐น Reintroducing species into suitable habitats
๐น Restoring compromised ecosystems
๐น Reducing nonnative and invasive species