have both male and female reproductive organs
common in plants and animals
produce both egg and sperm
eggs fertilized by stored sperms
majority produced are hermaphrodites ( both male and female reproductive organs)
less than 1% offspring are males
adults male mate w/ hermaphrodites
produce 1/2 male and 1/2 hermaphrodite offspring
22 pairs of autosomal chromosome
1 pair of sex chromosome
2 sex chromosomes
normal human have 46 chromosomes
human abnormalities
aberrant sexual development
result from nondisjunction
X chromosome failed to segregate during meiosis
47, XXY
tall, long arms and legs
large hands and feet
internal ducts are male, rudimentary testes fail to produce sperm
feminine development not suppressed
enlarged breast, rounded hips
abnormal social development
45, X
phenotypically female
male external genitalia and internal ducts
ovaries are rudimentary
undeveloped breast
cognitive impairment
variation from 2 haploid sets
variation from the number of chromosomes
rearrangement of genetic material within or among chromosomes
triploid - 3 sets
tetraploid - 4 sets
1/2 short arm of #5 is missing
5p (p arm is missing)
severe effects
most lethal during development
Down syndrome
trisomy 21
47, 21+
nondisjunction of chromosome 21 during meiosis resulting in n + 1 gametes
ovum most often is the source
extra chromosome at #21
12 to 14 characteristics
affected indicuduals express 6 to 8 on average
critical region of chromosome 21
genes are dosage sensitive
responsible for many phenotypic associated syndromes
nondisjunction of #21 during meiosis
homologs do not disjoin in anaphase I or II
lead to n+1 gametes
ovum is source of 95% of trisomy cases
Amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
NIPGD : Noninvasive prenatal genetic diagnosis
Patau Syndrome (trisomy 13)
Edwards Syndrome (trisomy 18)
survive to term
severe malformations
early lethality
47 , 13+
infants not mentally alert
cleft plate
general malformation of most organs
life span < 6 months