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key steps in a whole genome sequencing project
isolate, fragment, prepare genomic library using adapters, sequence, align and quality filter, map
Illumina read length
short - 250bp
Ion Torrent read lengths
short - 450bp
PacBio read lengths
long - 30kbp
Oxford nanopore read length
long - 30kbp
Illumina run time in hours for 100 nucleotide paired end run, bacterial genome
240 hours
Ion torrent run time (200 nt run, bacterial genome
3 hours
run time PacBio, bacterial genome
3 hours
Which sequencing technologies also have a bench top equivalent?
Illumina and ion torrent
Illumina step 1 - library preparation
Fragment DNA. Adapters ligated onto fragments to immobilise DNA on flow cell
Illumina step 2 - cluster generation
Flow cell coated in complementary adapters. DNA library diluted to distribute fragments and bridge PCR amplifies DNA to form clusters
bridge amplification PCR
ssDNA binds flow cell adapters in random pattern at one end
free ends attach surface via primers - ssDNA bends
polymerase and nucleotides added → reverse strand synthesised
reverse cut from forward (template remains), one adapter per strand denatures from flow cell
illumina step 3 - sequencing by synthesis
Clusters big enough to view microscopically. Cluster colour indicates base incorporated
alt library prep method
use paired end reads to improve genome assembly. Once sequencer has undergone one round, process repeated from other end
maximises outputs/spend
allows multiple samples to be mixed
reads computationally separated
ion torrent
post light sequencing by proton. Sequential flood of dNTPs released, can see which base is present based on whether hydrogen and pyrophosphate released by polymerase
difference between PacBio and other sequencing technologies
most methods immobilise template DNA whereas PacBio immobilises polymerase at bottom of detector zone
SMRT PacBio process
Adaptor binds polymerase. Fluorescently labelled bases held in detection zone. Different light pulse produced based on what base is added in
oxford nanopore technology
Ionic current passed through protein nanopores. DNA causes disruption in current which can be analysed
PHRED score
automates base calling in Sanger projects. For each increase of 10 in PHRED score base call accuracy increases 1.1x, starting with accuracy 90% at Phred score 10
How does quality change towards the end of a read?
most methods show quality decreae for bases towards end
fast Q line 1 to 4
1 = sequencing platform and conditions
2 = sequence
3 = spacer
4 = PHRED score representation
whole genome sequencing and cancer
since 2021, paired whole genome sequencing carried out by NHS England on cancer patients under 25
WGS outside of DNA sequence
can be used to study RNA and epigenetics