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consists of facts devoid of meaning or intent; facts, images or sounds that may or may not be pertinent or useful for a particular task
data whose form and content are appropriate for a particular use; data in context, which means that the data has explicit meaning within a specific context
combination of instincts, ideas, rules, and procedures that guide actions or decisions; information with direction, or intent, where intent is derived from strategies or objectives and is manifested in business rules
information management
policies, organizational provisions and a comprehensive set of activities associated with developing and managing the information resource; ensure that greatest possible real value from its information resource and to enable its cost effective management and protection
information management activities
acquisition, utilization, accessibility and dissemination of information; promotion and management of thrusts
_ depends on a combination of information quality, accessibility and presentation
one person’s information may be another person’s _
_ data may be just as important as hard data.
_ of information may be difficult to maintain
more information may be _ or worse
record-based information
found in databases
document-based information
reports, opinions, e-mails, and proposals
record-based internal information
traditional, edp and mis (authority: IS dept; source: transaction processing; tech used: DBMS and data dictionaries)
record-based external information
public databases (authority: end users and marketing; source: public databases; tech used: public networks)
document-based internal information
word processing; records management (authority: admin VP, WP center and records management; source: corporate memos and reports; tech used: WP and text-retrieval products)
document-based external information
corporate library and websites (authority: corporate library; source: public literature and news services; tech used: public networks)
value issues
_ of information depends on the recipient and the context; people can’t put it until they’ve seen it
information maps
textual charts, diagrammatic maps that point to the location of information whether in written material, experts’ minds, and so forth.
information guides
people who know where desired information can be found
business documents
provide organization and context; uncover what _ an organization needs
allows people to share information across distances in a more structured manner than e-mail
usage issues
information complexity needs to preserved; people do not easily share; technology does not change culture
sharing issues
requires addressing entrenched attitudes about organizational control; who determines who has legitimate need? who identifies owner?
most of the valuable information in organizations is in the form of _
knowledge management
collection of processes that govern the creation, dissemination, and utilization of knowledge; process through which organizations generate value from their intellectual and knowledge-based assets; systematic process of finding, selecting, organizing, distilling and presenting information in a way that improves comprehension in a specific area of interest
knowledge management is also the act of making tacit knowledge _
knowledge management activities
problem solving, dynamic learning, strategic planning and decision making
knowledge (denham gray)
full utilization of information and data, coupled with the potential of people’s skills, competencies, ideas, intuitions, commitments and motivations
knowledge (karl m. wiig)
insights, understandings, and practical know-how that we all possess – is the fundamental resource that allows us to function intelligently
knowledge remains the most _ asset
knowledge assets
to be applied or exploited – must be nurtured, preserved, and used to the largest extent possible by both individuals and organizations
knowledge-related processes
to create, build, compile, organize, transform, transfer, pool, apply, and safeguard knowledge – must be carefully and explicitly managed in all affected areas