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The geometric surface of the Earth.
Activity Space
The area wherein activity occurs on a daily basis.
An area of bounded space of some human importance.
A place-name assigned to a location when human importance is recognized.
A type of place that can be categorized into formal, functional, and vernacular regions.
Sequent Occupancy
The succession of groups and cultural influences throughout a place’s history.
The relationship of an object or place to the Earth as a whole.
Map Scale
Describes the ratio of distance on a map to distance in the real world.
Relative Scale
Refers to the level of aggregation for examination.
Formal Regions
Areas of bounded space that possess some homogeneous characteristic.
Functional Regions
Areas that have a central place or node expressing a practical purpose.
Vernacular Regions
Regions based on the perception of their residents.
Absolute Location
Defines a point or place on the map using coordinates.
Prime Meridian
0° longitude that runs through Great Britain.
0° latitude, dividing the Earth into northern and southern hemispheres.
Time Zones
Divided into 15-degree-wide longitudinal zones around the world.
Linear Distance
The distance measured in units such as miles or kilometers.
Distance Decay
The principle that interaction diminishes as distance increases.
Tobler's Law
States that closer places are more interrelated than farther ones.
Friction of Distance
The hindrance of interaction due to distance.
Space-Time Compression
The reduction of time and distances between places due to technology.
Central Places
A node of human activity often serving as a center of economic exchange.
Market Areas
A type of functional region influenced by outlet malls and shoppers' distances.
Intervening Opportunity
An attraction at a shorter distance that takes precedence over one farther away.
Absolute Density
Calculated as the number of things per square unit of distance.
Physiologic Density
Measures the number of people per square unit of arable land.
The point of origin or place of innovation.
Expansion Diffusion
Diffusion that originates in a central place and expands outward.
Hierarchical Diffusion
Diffusion that moves down from higher-order to lower-order locations.
Contagious Diffusion
Diffusion that begins at a point of origin and moves outward to adjacent areas.
Stimulus Diffusion
Diffusion of general principles that stimulate the creation of new ideas.
Relocation Diffusion
Diffusion that crosses significant physical barriers and relocates.
Geographic Information Systems that incorporate data layers for analysis.
Global Positioning System utilizing satellites for location measurement.
Population Growth
Involves birth and death rates, immigration, and emigration statistics.
Birth Rate
The number of live births in a year per thousand people in a population.
Death Rate
The number of deaths in a year per thousand people in a population.
Rate of Natural Increase
The percentage of population growth derived from birth and death rates.
Doubling Time
The estimated time it takes for a country's population to double in size.
Net Migration Rate
The difference between the number of immigrants and emigrants per thousand people.
Total Fertility Rate
The average number of children born to a woman during her lifetime.
Dependency Ratio
The ratio of people too young or too old to work compared to the working population.
Demographic Transition Model
A model describing the stages of population change over time.
Epidemiological Transition Model
Focuses on the effects of medical advances on population growth.
Zero Population Growth
When birth rates equal death rates, resulting in no net growth.
Malthusian Theory
Predicts a future population crisis due to unsustainable growth.
Cultural Change
A transformation in the beliefs, practices, or expressions within a society.
Sequent Occupance
The layering of different cultural groups in a spatial area.
The process of adapting to a new culture while retaining aspects of the old.
The complete integration of a minority culture into a dominant culture.
Cultural Survival
Efforts aimed at protecting indigenous cultures from extinction.
Cultural Globalization
The influence of global cultural products on local cultures.
Political Geography
The study of political organization and its spatial implications.
The expression of political control over specific geographical areas.
Political Borders
Boundaries that define political control, often based on treaties or geography.
Expatriate Populations
Citizens living outside their own country.
A minority culture group living within a larger culture.
A territory that is politically attached but separated from the main territory.
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, establishing maritime boundaries.
Boundary Origins
Different classifications of how political boundaries are formed.
Centripetal Forces
Factors that unify and maintain the stability of a state.
Centrifugal Forces
Factors that cause division and instability within a state.
The fragmentation of a state into smaller entities due to ethnic conflicts.
A political policy aimed at reclaiming territory lost to another state.
A form of control exerted by economically stronger states on weaker ones.
Heartland Theory
Mackinder's idea that control of Eastern Europe is key to global power.
Buffer States
States that act as a barrier between hostile nations or areas.
State Morphology
The study of the shape and layout of states.
Compact State
A state shape where the distance from the center is relatively equal.
Fragmented State
A state composed of multiple disconnected pieces of territory.
Elongated State
A state that is long and narrow in shape.
Prorupt State
A state with a long arm or panhandle extending from its main territory.
Perforated State
A state that completely surrounds another state.
Territorial Change
Alteration of state boundaries due to historical events.
Planned Capital Cities
Capitals intentionally built in locations where none existed before.
The manipulation of electoral district boundaries to favor one party.