Dick Winters
takes over Easy Company after Sobel
Well-respected and even-tempered
Offered a job by Nixon in New Jersey
Lewis Nixon
Winterâs bestie
Second lieutenant of Easy Company
Reliance on alcohol
Offeres Winters a job in New Jersey for after the war
Herbert Sobel
initial leader of Easy Company, then got ârelocatedâ because he sucked
Bill Guarnere
separated from company during D-Day parachute drop
Found out brother was dead with a letter
Lost his right leg while trying to drag Toye to safety in Holland
Joe Toye
Lost his right leg in Bastogne when caught out during an air strike
Made his first combat jump on D-Day as part of the Allied invasion of France
Donald Malarkey
Watched POWs get shot by Spiers
fought in the Invasion of Normandy
Good humored and cheerful
Ronald Spiers
gruesome guy; was kind to German POWs then shot them in the head
Many stories about him
Joins Easy Company during capture of Foy, cool under pressure
Bull Randleman
Goes missing in Holland â waits it out in Nazi territory and gets saved
Operation Market-Garden, injured in the shoulder during a tank explosion.
One of the best paratroopers the company had ever seen
Buck Compton
Second battalion assistant platoon leader
Shot in the butt during Operation Market Garden and had a hard time recovering
Also affected by Easy Companyâs rough days in Bastogne
Carwood Lipton
winters chose Lipton to be Easy Company first commander
Shellshocked, bleeding check, hand, and groin by shrapnel in the town of Carentan
Norman Dike
not a good leader (canât make good decisions)
commander of Easy Company during the Battle of the Bulge in Bastogne, Belgium
Renée LeMaire
âAngel of Bastogneâ volunteer nurse
Saved many soldiers and people when Germany bombs Bastogne
Eugene âDocâ Roe
medical soldier
Tight with Renée LeMaire
Never spoke a word about the war after, so all of his stories come from other people
Joe Liebgott
Wants got get justice, so he finds a guard from concentration camp and has him shot