Chapter 6 review

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The historical significance of the Whiskey Rebellion is that it proved the _________ was more effective then the Articles Of Confederation

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The historical significance of the Whiskey Rebellion is that it proved the _________ was more effective then the Articles Of Confederation

U.S. Constitution

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During Washington's presidency, Washington sat a precedent to establish the ______, a group of advisors to assist him with important decisions


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Washington's Farewell Address is considered to be a significant speech to offer advice and guidance to the new _________


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The events of the Whiskey Rebellion revealed that the government created by the Constitution had the power to _______ laws.


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During Washington's presidency, the main goal of the U.S. was to prevent the United States' __________________________ in European conflicts.


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In a quote from Washington's Farewell Address in 1796, "It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world...," Washington gave the nation the advice to stay out of ________________________ affairs.


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During Washington's p-residency, the conflicts between Hamilton and Jefferson impacted the development of the new nation by resulting in the emergence of the first _________________________________ parties.


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A major difference between the Federalist and the Democratic-Republicans was that the Democratic-Republicans believed in a less ________________ government.


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As the first Secretary of the Treasury, the main reason Alexander Hamilton supported the creation of a ____________________ ___________________

national banl

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The purpose of the Judiciary Act of 1789 was to provide a detailed plan for the set up the _________________________ _______________________.

federal courts

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The _____________________________ was an event during Adam's administration that was the direct cause of an undeclared war with France.

XYZ affair

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While President Washington technically did not have a political party, his actions in support of a national bank and lack of of support for the French Revolution indicate that he was most aligned with the _________________ Party.


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The opposing viewpoints of Hamilton and Jefferson resulted in the creation of a __________________________________ system of the United States' democratic process.

Two party system

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The purpose of the ________________ and ____________________Acts passed during the administration of Adams was to reduce threats against the federal government.

Alien and Sedition

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______________ _____________________________ warned the nation to avoid political parties, sectionalism, and foreign affairs.

George Washington

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In the late 1700s, ____________________________ would have most likely supported a national bank.


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The Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 was a significant milestone for the new American government because it proved the new government was strong enough to _____________________ its authority.


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Alexander Hamilton wanted to establish a national bank for the U.S. in order to establish a national _________________________ and regulate _____________________.

currency, trade

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The _________________________ Act of 1789 established the district court system.


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President John Adams supported the Alien and Sedition Acts because he wanted to silence the -_ critics of his administration.

Democratic Republican

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The issue of ___________________ taxes was the catalyst for the Whiskey Rebellion.


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George Washington started a tradition that later became a formal amendment to the Constitution that limited the president to _____________ terms in office.


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In the late 1700s, _____________ farmers would have most likely supported the Democratic-Republican Party.


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The Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans were formed during Washington's administration and resulted from ______________________ over the best way for the government to support the new nation.


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According to this chart of several actions taken by Washington during his presidency, a conclusion that can be drawn about the actions of Washington as president is that he ___________________________ the role of President.


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