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Age of the Universe
approximately 13.8 billion years, is determined using Hubble's Law and measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR).
Alan Guth
a physicist who proposed the theory of cosmic inflation, which explains the rapid expansion of the Universe moments after the Big Bang.
Big Bang Theory
describes the origin of the Universe as an expansion from an extremely hot and dense singularity, supported by evidence like the CMBR and Hubble's Law.
Big Crunch
a theoretical scenario where the Universe's expansion reverses, causing it to collapse into a singularity.
a type of active galactic nucleus with a jet pointed directly at Earth, emitting strong electromagnetic radiation across all wavelengths.
groups of galaxies bound by gravity
are vast networks of galaxy clusters forming the largest known structures in the Universe.
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR)
the residual thermal radiation from the Big Bang, providing a snapshot of the early Universe's state.
Cosmological Constant
a term in Einstein's field equations of General Relativity, associated with the energy density of empty space (vacuum energy).
Cosmological Redshift
the stretching of light to longer wavelengths due to the Universe's expansion, distinct from Doppler redshift caused by relative motion.
the scientific study of the Universe's origin, evolution, structure, and eventual fate.
Dark Energy
a mysterious force driving the accelerated expansion of the Universe.
Dark Matter
an invisible form of matter inferred from its gravitational effects, essential for explaining galaxy rotation curves.
Doppler Redshift
occurs when an object moves away, causing its emitted light to shift to longer wavelengths.
Edwin Hubble / Hubble's Law
discovered the Universe's expansion through observations of galactic redshifts
Electromagnetic Force
one of the four fundamental forces, responsible for interactions between charged particles.
Electroweak Theory
unifies the electromagnetic and weak forces, proposed by Steven Weinberg and others.
Four Fundamental Forces
gravity, electromagnetic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear forces, governing interactions in the Universe.
Galactic Collisions
occur when galaxies interact gravitationally, often leading to star formation and structural changes.
Gamma-Ray Bursts
short, intense bursts of gamma radiation from cataclysmic events like supernovae or neutron star mergers
General Relativity (GR)
describes gravity as the warping of spacetime by mass and energy, with its central equation being Einstein's field equation.
Gravity Force
the attractive force between masses, crucial for the formation and evolution of cosmic structures.
High Energy Physics
explores fundamental particles and forces at small length scales and high energy levels.
Hubble Flow
describes the movement of galaxies due to the Universe's expansion.
Hubble's Parameter and Law
quantifies the rate of the Universe's expansion and is a key part of Hubble's Law.
rapid exponential expansion of the Universe shortly after the Big Bang, resolving issues like homogeneity.
Lawrence Krauss
a cosmologist known for his work on dark energy and the physics of the early Universe.
Local Group
a cluster of galaxies including the Milky Way, Andromeda, and approximately 54 smaller galaxies.
Matter-Dominated Universe
is one where matter density exceeds radiation, as in the present cosmic era.
highly luminous active galactic nuclei powered by supermassive black holes, important for studying early galaxies.
hypothetical form of dark energy with dynamic properties, unlike the cosmological constant.
Recessional Velocity
the speed at which galaxies move away due to the Universe's expansion.
Richard Feynman
a physicist known for quantum electrodynamics and Feynman diagrams, which visualize particle interactions.
Special Relativity
imposes constraints on objects moving close to the speed of light, affecting time and space measurements.
Strong Force
binds quarks together to form protons and neutrons, essential for atomic nuclei.
Superstrings and Brane Theory
propose that fundamental particles are one-dimensional strings, aiming to unify physics.
Tully & Fisher's Relation
links galaxy luminosity and rotation speed, used to measure distances in the Universe.
Vacuum Energy
ffrom particle physics we have a reasonable origin of dark energy which is simply known as
Weak Force
governs radioactive decay and neutrino interactions, playing a role in stellar processes.
heisenberg relation
e * t = h