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Nov Tehran confernce
Nov cairo conference
June: Second front opened (D-Day)
August: Warsaw Uprising
October: Percentages Agreement (Churchill and Stalin)
February: Yalta Conference
May: Surrender of Germany
April: Roosevelt dies Truman
July: US tests first atomic bomb
July: Potsdam Conference
August: USSR declares war on Japan
August: Hiroshima bombing
August: Nagasaki bombing
August: Soviet invasion of Manchuria
September: End of World War II
February: Kennan's Long Telegram
March: Iran Crisis (first major Cold War confrontation)
June: Baruch Plan proposed by the US (rejected by USSR)
Baggage leaders in place in Eastern Europe
Greek Civil War begins
March: Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech
Chinese Civil War resumes
Jan: polish elections
March: Truman Doctrine announced
June: Marshall Plan proposed
July: Molotov Plan proposed by USSR (Soviet response to Marshall Plan)
July: Kennan's X Article published
October: Cominform created
February: Czechoslovak coup
March: Brussels Treaty signed (precursor to NATO)
June: Berlin Blockade begins
August: Creation of Republic of Korea and Democratic People's Republic of Korea
November: Truman re-elected
April: NATO established
May: End of Berlin Blockade
September: USSR tests first atomic bomb
October: Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) established
October: German Democratic Republic (East Germany) established
October: Mao declares the People’s Republic of China established
NATO established
April 1949
End of berlin blockade
May 1949
USSR tests first atomic bomb
Sept 1949
West germany established
oct 1949
East Germany established
Oct 1949
Mao declares PRC
Oct 1949
Czechoslovakia coup
Feb 1948
Brussels treaty signed
March 1948
Berlin blockade begins
June 1948
Creation of south and north korea
Aug 1948
Truman relected
Nov 1948
Polish elections
Jan 1947
Truman doctrine
March 1947
Marshall plan proposed
June 1948
Molotov plan
July 1948
Kennans X article published
July 1948
Cominform created
Oct 1947
Yalta conference
Feb 1945
Surrender of germany ww2
May 1945
Roosevelt dies replaced by Truman
April 1945
Potsdam conference
July 1945
USSR declares war on Japan
Aug 1945
Aug 1945
Aug 1945
Soviets invade Manchuria
Aug 1945
End of WWII
Sept 1945
Kennans long telegram
Feb 1946
Iran crisis
March 1946
Barruch plan roposed by the US rejected by USSR
July 1946
Baggage leaders in Easter Europe
Greek civil war begins
Iron curtain churchill speech
March 1946
Chinese civil war begins
Second front opened
June 1944
Warsaw uprising
Aug 1944
Percentages agreement
Oct 1944
Tehran conference
Nov 1944
Cairo confernce
Nov 1943
Bretton Wood
July 1944