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Battle of Fort Sumter
Battle that started the civil war
First Manassas/Bull Run
First major battle of the civil war
Fort Henry
First major western win for the union
Fort Donaldson
Union takes control of the major Tennessee river
Shiloh/Pittsburg Landing
Grant will start to take control of Mississippi
Battle of New Orleans
Naval battle to take control of the main shipping port
Battle of Hampton Roads
Merrimack V. Monitor, First major battle of the ironclads
Peninsula Campaign
Brilliant plan to attack the south from the south
Battle of Yorktown, Battle of 7 pines, 7 Days Battle
Three battles of the Peninsula Campaign
Battle of Yorktown
Battle at peninsula campaign invasion point
Battle of 7 Pines
Battle to a tie where Johnston was killed
7 Days Battle
Battle to cover union peninsula retreat
Battle to Protect Washington DC
Port Hudson
Last port to fall on the Mississippi
Battle of Gettysburg
Lee’s final loss on union soil
Little Round Top
Battle that saves the union at Gettysburg
Pickett’s Charge
Final battle at Gettysburg (Disaster for Confederates)
Battle of Jackson
Union victory here leads to Vicksburg Victory
Last major stronghold in the West to fall
Appomattox Courthouse
Last battle where Robert E. Lee gives up