GI 2

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life-threatening, acute inflammation & infection


  • contamination of peritoneal cavity

  • perforation (appendicitis, diverticulitis, PUD)

  • gangrene gallbladder/bowel, bowel obstruction

  • tumors, leakage during sx, CAPD


  • abd pain localized/poorly localized/referred to shoulder

  • rigid, boardlike, distended abd

  • high fever, tachycardia, dec UO, dehydration, N/V/A, dec BS

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peritonitis labs & mgmt

inc WBC/neutrophils

blood c/s: organism, septicemia

abd xray: free air/fluid

assess VS for septic shock (very low BP, dec pulse pressure, inc HR, inc RR, inc temp, skin changes, LOC changes)

prevention: strict asepsis

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peritonitis sx & postop



  • may leave incision open, peritoneal irrigation via drain (sterile technique)

  • monitor LOC, VS, resp, I&O Qh immediately after sx

  • semi-fowlers contain abd. drainage in lower abd, lung expansion

report to HCP

  • unusual, foul smelling drainage

  • swelling, redness, hyperpigmentation, warmth/bleeding from incision site

  • temp>101F

  • abd. pain

  • wound dehiscence/ileus

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appendicitis s/s

pain then N/V, rebound tenderness

gangrene & sepsis within 24hrs

risk of perforation esp after 48hrs

perforation s/s

  • WBC> 20,000

  • abd pain that increases with pain/movement, relieved by bending at R hip/knees

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appendicitis interventions

IV fluids, keep NPO for possible sx

semi-fowler contain abd drainage in lower abdomen

opioids, IV antibiotics

suspected/confirmed perforation → avoid laxatives/enemas/heat to abd

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appendicitis sx

laprascopy—return to usual activities 1-2wk

lapratomy—if high risk/perforated

  • abd binder

  • manage sutures

  • drain: JP or NGT

  • return to usual activities 4-6wk

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ulcerative colitis

inflammation: colon & rectum only

inc colon cancer risk, perforation


  • profuse, bloody diarrhea

  • abd pain relieved by defecation

  • malaise, anorexia, anemia, dehydration, fever, wt loss

  • fever + tachycardia: dehydration, peritonitis, bowel perforation

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inflammation: any part of bowel

terminal ileus near ileo-cecal valve

cobblestone or skip lesions

fistulas, anal abscesses, granulomas

alert for s/s peritonitis, small bowel obstruction, nutritional/fluid imbalance


  • diet: high animal fats & sugar, no fruit/veg

  • stools: steatorrhea

  • abd pain: crampy, RLQ, confused with appendicitis

  • BS: dec/absent if severe inflammation/obstruction. inc high pitched/rushing in areas of narrowed bowel loops

  • muscle guarding, masses, rigidity, tenderness

  • severe wt loss due to malabsorption


  • inc WBC, dec H&H, dec folic acid, Vit B12, albumin, inc CRP, ESR


  • inc temp, inc WBC, dec H&H, FE (dec K & Mg)

xray: narrowing, ulceration, stricture, fistula

MRE: bowel activity & motility

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CD vs UC


  • not curative

  • stools less bloody, less frequent than UC

  • transmural: skip lesions, cobblestone

  • location: terminal ileum

  • 5-6 loose, soft, nonbloody stool

  • 15-40yo

  • cx: fistula, nutritional defeciency


  • more common, mucosa & submucosa only (no transmural)

  • continuous lesions

  • rx: total removal of colon & rectum

  • location: rectum → cecum

  • 10-20 liquid bloody stool

  • 15-35yo & 55-70yo

  • cx: hemorrhage, nutritional defeciency

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UC mgmt

dec animal fats & sugars, inc fruits & veg, no smoking

keep diary of s/s, monitor skin

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CD mgmt

if severe s/s → NPO

if malnourished → TPN

avoid coffee, alcohol, milk, gluten

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peripheral parenteral nutrition V(PPN)

PIV, short term

fat based, need CHO

monitor irritation

do not reuse tubing

fat overload s/s:

  • fever, inc trig, clotting problem, multisystem organ failure

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total parenteral nutrition (TPN)

central line/PICC with IV pump, long term

hypertonic, high glucose


  • F/E imbalance (K, Na, high Ca)

  • hyperosmolar—fluid shifts (CRI, CHF)

  • hyperglycemia

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TPN maintenance

administer insulin

monitor hourly rate

if TPN soln unavailable, D10W/D20W until TPN soln

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UC & CD drug therapy

iron, vitamins

anticholinergic (librax) to slow gut

antidiarrheals (imodium)

glucocorticoids for exacerbations (taper off)

immunosuppressive (imuran, mercaptopurine, methotrexate)


  • parenteral administration

  • report injection site reactions

  • SE: HA, abd pain, N/V

  • avoid crowds & people with infection

  • report any infection including cold/sore throat


  • IV administration Q4wk

  • for Crohn’s if other drugs are ineffective

  • can cause PML (deadly infection that affects brain)

  • be sure pt is free of any and all infections b4 admin

  • report cognitive, motor, sensory changes immediately


  • moderate ~ severe Crohn’s

  • IV admin at wk 0,2,6,8 then maintenance Q8wk

  • does not cause PML, but be cautious

antibiotics for infection

aminosalicylate (5-ASA)

  • for UC

  • 2-4wk for effectiveness

  • sulfasalazine

    • turns body secretions orange

    • report N/V/A, rash, HA

    • check allergies to sulfonamide or other sulfa drugs

    • need folic acid supp.

  • mesalamine

    • better tolerated, less SE

    • ER PO, enema, supp

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IBD postop care

MIS—no NGT, open sx—NPO, NGT x1-2days


  • stool drains within 24hrs of sx at >1L/day

  • fluids 500ml+/day

  • after about a week, stool drainage slows (thicker)

second stage of sx—burning during bowel elimination (gastric acid not well absorbed by ileum)

pouchitis → metronidazole

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location: RLQ abd. below belt line

abnormal: prolapse, retract into abd. wall

normal: pinkish~cherry red

report STAT to sx: grey, bluish, pale, dark stoma

output: initially dark green → eventually paste-like yellow green/yellow brown

normally little odor or sweet odor, foul/unpleasant odor when blockage/infection

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postop care

avoid nuts and corn (cannot be digested well)

avoid cabbage, asparagus, brussels sprouts, beans (causes odor/gas)

regular postop pain control, antidiarrheal drugs

inc pain: peritonitis

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prevent/monitor lower GI bleed

medical emergency!

GI bleeding scan

  • localize site of bleeding

  • does not determine cause of bleeding

  • takes several hours to administer

  • critical care pts are not candidates

monitor stool for blood loss—frank blood or melena

check VS, H&H, electrolytes

s/s of dehydration/anemia: fever, tachycardia, FVD, LOC change

notify RRT or HCP if bleeding

blood transfusion through 2 large bore cath (if Hgb<7)

1 bag PRBC per 1 Hgb

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fistula management

common in crohn’s


  • high risk for malnutrition, dehydration, hypokalemia

  • 3000cal/day

  • high calorie, high protein, high vitamin, low fiber

  • TPN if necessary

  • 24H calorie count

  • monitor UO, daily wts


  • ensure wound drainage is not in direct contact with skin

  • clean skin promptly

high risk of sepsis & abscess

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diverticula vs diverticulosis vs diverticulitis


  • pouchlike herniations of mucosa through muscular wall

  • anywhere in GI tract, most common in sigmoid colon

  • age 60+, low fiber diet, constipation, obesity

diverticulosis: many diverticula


  • inflammation of 1+ diverticula

  • bowel irregularity, LLQ pain (sigmoid colon), N/A

  • occult bleeding

  • fever, inc WBC

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acute diverticulitis s/s

low grade fever, severe abd pain, bloody, mahogany, tarry stools

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diverticulitis dx & cx & mgmt


  • xray/CT scan

  • no barium enema in acute phase (risk for perforation)

  • colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy

  • CBC


  • abscess, fistula, perforation, peritonitis, obstruction, adhesions

  • hospitalize if: T>101F, persistent severe abd pain >3 days, lower GIB


  • NPO, NGT LIS, IV fluids, broad spectrum abx

    • metronidazole, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, ciprofloxacin

  • avoid laxatives & enema for older adult (inc intestinal motility)

  • diet

    • acute: CLD

    • uncomp: low fiber

    • avoid indigestible roughage

    • avoid all fiber while s/s diverticulitis, eventually reach high fiber diet as inflammation resolves

  • avoid increasing intra-abdominal pressure during acute phase (avoid perforation)

  • emergency surgery if peritonitis/pelvic abscess

    • colon resection with/without colostomy

    • NPO with NGT until peristalsis returns (flatulence, BS)

    • advance diet with peristalsis return

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peritonitis vs appendicitis vs diverticulitis


  • severe abd pain and distention

  • diminished BS

  • abd. pain lessens with movement

  • N/V/A

  • fever

  • rigid abd


  • N/V/A

  • severe abd. pain and distention


  • severe abd pain and distention

  • fever

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intestinal obstruction causes what 2 things

hypovolemia & acute kidney injury

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sm. bowel vs lg. bowel obstruction

small bowel

  • rapid pain onset

  • colicky & crampy pain

  • frequent, copious vomiting

  • upper abd. distention

  • high pitched bowel sounds (borborgymi)

  • bowel movements present for a short time

  • sever F&E imbalance

  • met alkalosis

large bowel

  • gradual pain onset

  • mild → moderate, crampy pain

  • vomiting rare

  • lower abd. distention

  • absent bowel sounds

  • obstipation (severe or complete constipation, no bowel movement)

  • no F&E imbalance

  • met acidosis

CT/MRI shows gas above obstruction

visible peristalsis, cramping, tenderness

ask: passing stool or gas? partial obstruction → diarrhea

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mechanical vs nonmechanical bowel obstruction

mechanical bowel obstruction

  • mild, intermittent, colicky pain

  • lower abd distention & obstipation

  • ribbonlike stool if obstruction is partial

nonmechanical bowel obstruction

  • constant, diffuse discomfort, no colicky pain

  • abd distention

  • dec bowel sounds early, absent bowel sounds later

  • vomiting—rarely profuse and rarely foul odor

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bowel obstruction nonsurg mgmt


  • assess Q4h (placement, patency, output)

  • low cont. suction

  • semi fowler’s

  • frequent oral/nares care

monitor BP & pulse

assess abd BID

  • bowel sounds (dc suction when listening)

  • distention

  • flatus

opiates temporarily withheld

IV fluids 2-4L isotonic with potassium

  • monitor for FVE in older adults

  • monitor hypokalemia if vomiting a lot

lower bowel obstruction—disimpaction or enema

postop ileus: alvimopan PO (inc GI motility)

older adult

  • inc fruits & veg for fiber

  • high use of laxatives lead to atonic colon (dec abd. muscle)

  • exercise daily

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bowel obstruction surg

exp lap first, open lap if needed

postop care:

  • NGT until peristalsis return

  • CLD → ADAT

  • IS, TCDB

  • suture/staple mgmt—abd binder

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CRC screening

@ 40yo

  • discuss screening need with HCP

  • if family hx: begin early & more frequently


  • fecal occult blood test Q1yr (2-3 separate stool samples x3days)

  • sigmoidoscopy or CT colonography Q5yr

  • colonoscopy Q10yr


  • smoking, alcohol, physical inactivity

  • fatty, refined carb, low fiber diet

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CRC s/s

rectal bleeding, anemia, change in stool consistency or shape

occult/mahogany/bright red stool

hematochezia (BRB in stool)

gas pains, cramping, incomplete evacuation

avoid 48hr prior to giving a stool specimen

  • ASA, Vit C, iron, corticosteroids, red meat

inc CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen)

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CRC cx

metastasis, obstruction, perforation, abscess, fistula, peritonitis

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CRC nonsurg mgmt

chemo: stage 2-3 post sx

radiation: control pain, hemorrhage, bowel obstruction

  • standard of care for rectal cancer

monoclonal antibody: cetuximab (inc T killer cell)

  • used if metastasis

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CRC postop

NGT to gastric decompress

pain mgmt: IV PCA

DVT prophylaxis

place pouch ASAP

stoma assessment—report if:

  • stoma ischemia/necrosis

  • continuous heavy bleeding

  • mucocutaneous separation

colostomy starts functioning in 2-3days

empty pouch when 1/3~1/2 full

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CRC pouch system

flat firm abdomen: flexible or nonflexible

firm abdomen with lateral crease/fold: flexible

deep creases, flabby abd., retracted stoma, stoma flush or concave to abd surfce → convex appliance with stoma belt

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CRC perineal wound care

drains—serosanguinous for 1-2mo postop

comfort measures

  • sitz bath 10-20min 3-4x/day

  • allowed: side lying, foam pad/soft pillow to sit on

  • avoid: sitting for long time, air ring/rubber donut

cx: F-E balance, infection

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CRC postop care

stool softeners

  • colon resection—s/s of obstruction or perforation

    • cramping, abd pain, N/V

  • avoid gas-producing food and carb. bev

  • 4-6wk to establish bowel patterns

ostomy skin care

  • skin sealant, dry before pouch application

  • stoma powder/paste if raw/skin stripping

  • filler cream to fill crevice & crease

  • fungal rash → antifungal cream/powder

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hypokalemia s/s

flat T waves, ST depression, prominent U wave

dec DTR, muscle cramping, flaccid paralysis

de motility, hypoactive to absent bowel sounds


abd distention

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hypomagnesemia s/s

ST depression, T wave inversion (vfib if severe)


inc DTR

nystagmus (abnormal eye movement)


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