What is the term commonly associated with the first few years of National Party rule?
Baaskap = “Boss Role” Apartheid
Connotes the brutal subjugation of the Black majority and the firm and decisive manner with which the gov dealt with the anti-apartheid opposition.
Which PMs served during the first few years of NP Rule?
Malan and Strijdom
What was the purpose of petty apartheid?
Complete domination (Economic and Political) of white over black.
What does the term petty suggest?
Suggestive of the officious and unnecessary nature of many of the apartheid rules.
Give an example of petty apartheid
Different water fountains for races
Diff entrances for races
Who and when was Grand Apartheid initiated?
Initiated by PM Verwoerd in late 1950s.
How was Grand Apartheid diff from Petty Apartheid?
More ideologically sophisticated
Departure from straightforward racial discrimination
What was the main objective of Grand Apartheid?
Complete terretorial segregation of South Africa, ulimately leading to complete seperate development of the diff peoples in their own jurisdictions.
What did Grand Apartheid argue?
That Africans would be able to achieve full independence, thus establishing a moral legitimacy for the system.
Give an example of Grand Apartheid
Different acts, such as the Group Areas Act (1951), the Bantu Authorities Act (1951).
Which act was often seen as the epitome of the petty apartheid system?
The Reservation of Separate Amenities Act (1953)
How was Petty Apartheid different from that in America?
In SA, the Reservation of Sep Amenities Act (1953) allowed the amenities to NOT have to be equal in quality.
Which act/system was hailed by the NP as the flagship of grand apartheid?
The Bantu Authorities Act / Promotion of Bantu Self Gov Act / Homelands System