Observational Learning
learning by observing the behavior of others
imitating others’ behaviors (ex. aggression)
Bandura’s Bobo Doll Study
it was a study that tested if children mimicked the behavior of adults through observational learning. the adults were tasked with beating up an inflatable clown doll while children watched. then, the kids were given the doll and their behavior was observed. result: kids beat up the doll similarly to the adults they watched. (there were 2 other scenarios for testing too, but just not described here)
Violent Media Effect on Aggression
there were studies that examined the effects of violent video games and TV shows on children’s aggression. result: there was only a small difference between the children exposed to violent media vs. non-violent media.
researchers believe that children exposed to violent media become “desensitized” to violence and are not as affected over time. (this could apply to violent media or violence in a child’s environment)
Exposure to “Being Kind”
after witnessing someone being kind to another person, they are more likely to also be kind and help out.
Pro-social Behavior
the act of being kind, helpful, and spreading positivity.