Clinical Laboratory Law
Comprised of eight (8) sections only
Approved on June 18, 1966
specific department of DOH in-charge of licensing and regulation of all health facilities including Clinical Laboratories
formerly BHFS (Bureau of Health Facilities & Services)
National Reference Laboratories:
National Reference Laboratories:
Drug Testing
Water Microbiology
Micronutrient Assay
National Reference Laboratories:
Classification of Laboratories: By Function
deals with the chemical and cellular analyses of blood and other body fluids
Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Immunohematology, Microbiology, Immunology, Clinical Microscopy, Endocrinology, Molecular Biology, Cytogenetics, Toxicology and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Classification of Laboratories: By Function
provides processing and examination of surgical specimens as to the physical appearance and microscopic structure of tissues
Surgical Pathology, lmmunohistopathology, Cytology, Autopsy, Forensic Pathology and Molecular Pathology
Classification of Laboratories: By Institutional Character
a laboratory that operates within the premises and as part of an institution, such as but not limited to hospital, medical clinic, school, medical facility for overseas workers and seafarers, birthing home, psychiatric facility, drug rehabilitation center
A laboratory that is located within the premises and operates as part of a DOH licensed health facility.
Classification of Laboratories: By Institutional Character
a laboratory that does not form part of any other institution
A laboratory that operates independently and is not attached to any DOH licensed health facility.
(AO 2007-0027) Classification of Laboratories: By Service Capability: General CL
Routine Hematology
Complete Blood Count
WBC Count
WBC Differential Count
Qualitative Platelet Determination
Routine Urinalysis
Routine Fecalysis
Blood Typing (hospital based)
Clinical Microscopy
Clinical Chemistry
(AO 2007-0027) Classification of Laboratories: By Service Capability: General CL
Routine Clinical Chemistry
Blood Urea Nitrogen
Uric Acid
Total Cholesterol
Quantitative Platelet Determination
Cross Matching (hospital based)
Gram Staining (hospital based)
KOH (hospital based)
(AO 2007-0027) Classification of Laboratories: By Service Capability: General CL
Special Chemistry
Special Hematology, including coagulation procedures
Culture & Sensitivity
Aerobic & Anaerobic (for hospital based)
Aerobic or Anaerobic (for non-hospital based)
Assisted Reproduction Technology
Molecular & Cellular Technology
Molecular Biology
Molecular Pathology
Forensic Pathology
Anatomic Pathology
Specific Guidelines: Human Resources
Head of Laboratory
shall have administrative and technical supervision of the activities in the laboratory
Specific Guidelines: Physical Facilities
Bear the name and signature of Pathologist & RMT
No report orally or in writing without directive from pathologist or associate except in emergency cases
Specific Guidelines: Physical Facilities
All requests and reports of all specimens submitted and examined
Kept in file for at least 1 year