domestic division of labour
-Parsons (1955): men and women have biological roles- instrumental and expressive respectively
-Bott: (1957) segregated and joint conjugal roles
Willmott & Young symmetrical family
-march of progress: family life is improving for the members
-similar, not identical roles in the domestic sphere
~women's social positioning changes
-common in young/affluent couples
-women who work full time do less housework
(Oakley 1974) feminist views of housework
-reject march of progress, family is patriarchal
-Willmott and Young had the bar in hell for what a good husband is
~washing the dishes once a week
-15% of husbands had high-level participation in housework and 25% in childcare
-men cherry pick the best jobs and leave women with the scraps
-sexist stereotypes still burden women in the household
-little sign of the 'new man'
-Dunscombe and Marsden (1995): women have a triple shift- paid, emotional and domestic work
-men get leisure, women have to be domestic
smart (2007)
gay people are equal with money because the transcend heteronormative ideals about relationships
domestic violence
-Dobash x2: women getting assaulted for challenging their husband's authority
-marriage legitimises DV by giving power to husbands and making wives dependent
Millet and Firestone
society is founded on patriarchal ideals, making domestic violence inevitable
Wilkinson and Pickett
domestic violence is a result of stressed caused by social inequality
-reduces the chance of stable and caring relationships