Geo P3 data

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Housing decay survey ~ CE

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Housing decay survey ~ CE

  • 79% good/excellent

  • 21% sufficient

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Housing decay survey ~ EV

  • 100% good/excellent

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what does housing decay survey demonstrate

  • differences between 2 adjacent areas of EL through the differences in their quality of housing

  • lack of investment in CE compared to EV

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Env quality survey CE

  • mean ~ 24.15

  • median ~ 24

  • range ~ 31

  • IQR ~ 13.5

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Env quality survey EV

  • mean ~ 6.08

  • median ~ 5

  • range ~ 19

  • IQR ~ 3.5

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What does env quality survey show

  • lower IQR + range for EV show an overall better environmental quality as there’s less variation in the data

  • shows success of regeneration project

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dispersion graph to plot env quality is good why

  • shows the spread of data

  • shows averages

  • removed anomalies

  • easy to construct

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how does this investigation link to a geo theory u have studied

  • links to the regeneration plan we have studied

  • suitable for this enquiry bc we are able to see the effects of the plan + its success

  • can see opportunities + challenges

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why was stratford a good location to visit + conduct fieldwork

  • easy to access from school ~ no restrictions + easy walking distances between the areas

  • good location to show the differences in inequalities as EV has been regenerated whereas CE hasn’t

  • can collect wide range of data

    • housing

    • env

  • able to collect data in one day

    • limits how much can be collected however + data collected may not be as reliable depending on the day

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cross section protected

  • 32.5 m² ~ area

  • 2.5 m ~ height

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cross section unprotected

  • 25m² ~ area

  • 2m ~ height

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what shown

  • line graphs show that protected has more sediment showing effectiveness of management strategies

  • protected ~ groynes

    • but more sediment closer to the groynes which could lead to inaccurate results + therefore an invalid comparison

  • protected ~ sea wall

    • prevents beach extending too far + maintains steeper gradient

  • can’t compare lengths of beach as limited to 25m

    • but due to differential erosion we can assume unprotected is longer

  • unprotected has smaller CSA as cliff erodes back creating a wider beach

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class cross sections protected

  • median ~ 30

  • mean ~ 29.8

  • IQR ~ 12.75

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class cross sections unprotected

  • median ~ 24

  • mean ~ 26. 4

  • IQR ~ 10.5

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what shown

  • protected beach shows wider spread of data showing that the data for the unprotected beach is more accurate compared to the protected beach

  • larger IQR for protected shows that the groynes are working bc they prevents longshore drift, creating bigger variations in the CSA

  • mean + median useful in removing anomalies

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beach sediment protected

  • 96% sand

  • 4% clay

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beach sediment unprotected

  • 72% sand, 16% shingle, 12% shingle

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pie chart show what

  • shows there’s more variation in the sediment of the unprotected beach

  • beach sediment being mostly sand for the protected beach show that the seawalls protect the beach by preventing new sediment falling on the beach

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beach profiles methodology

  • systematic sampling

  • relatively quick

  • removes bias ~ every 5m

  • not very accurate

    • lots of room for human error

    • could’ve used ranging poles instead

  • only every 5m

    • smaller intervals would be more precise

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env impact assessment

  • stratified sampling

  • quick

  • no equipment needed

  • numerical data ~ can be compared easily (quantitative)

  • opinionated

    • perception and personal preference (MS)

  • 0-5 scale could be easily misinterpreted

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beach sediment

  • random sampling

  • quick, numerical data

  • room for human error

    • hard to distinguish what area of a quadrat something may be covering

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  • mean ~ considers all values

  • range ~ used to identify increase/change

  • mode ~ many measurements are the same

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