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What is the evidence supporting evolution?
comparative anatomy, biological and molecular evidence, embryology, vestigial organs, fossils!
What are homologus tstrctures and what creates them?
the samew structures with differnet functions due to divergent evolution
What are analogus structures, do they support evoloution, what causes them
same purpose, different structures: due to convergent evolution (doesnt support evolution)
What biochemical and molecular evidence supports evoution
amino acid graph with amino acid differnces on the x and time on the y: the closer to the origin, the closer they are releated
How does embryology support evolution?
similar early development of all vertebrates (early human embryos have gills)
What are vestigials/how tdo they support evolution
organs that dont serve a purpose (eg appendix)
How do fossil records show evolution
they show transitional forces
What is evoltuion actually
organisms have changed over time.
What is comparatory
adding or subtracting from the same original structures.
What are the requirements of evooltuion
small population, new triats, mutations, sexual reporoduction, natural selection
What are the components of natural selection
genetic heritable variation, advantages, more rproduces > survival, fittest.
What is “fitness”
who survives with the most offspring
What is selective pressure
term that deetermines what is fitness (eg. predators)
What is allopatric speciation
When you stop mating and speciate thru geographic isolation
What is sympatric speciation AND EXAMPLES
nongeographic : different seasons of mating, different songs, parts dont match, gametes dont fuse
What is prezygotic sympatric evolution + exmaples
stuff that happens before the zygote (fertilization)
habitat speciation, temporal (season), behavioral, mechanical, gametes dont work
What is postzygotic sympatric specitiation and example
zygote mortality, hybrid sterility, f2 fitness
what is adaptive radiation
MANY species from from 1 ancestor (ex: galapagos islands)
happens bc of new habitats or mass extinction
what is sexual selection and why does it happen
made up of: male competition where males want to attract the female and female choice where the female disc riminates in who she mates with
happens bc: sexy sons theory - females want sexy sons, and good geneses theory: size, behavior, etc are good genes = they develop in the population over time.
What are the three differnt types of phenotype selection?
directional, stabilizing, and disruptive.
What is directional phenotype selection
selection favors a more extreme phenotype = shift gradually from the weak to extreme phenotype over time.
What is stabilizing phenotype selection
selection favors the middle = the phenotype range narrows to the middle on the graph
What is disruptive phenotype selection
selection favors both extreme phenotypes = there’s a gap in teh middle where everybody is dead.
What is phylogeny
the study of evolutionary relationships
What is a phylogenetic tree
shows the evoltution occuring in a gene sequence: branches indicate shared common ancestor.
What is a cladogram and what traits determine it
relationships by plus or minus traits (called derived characters - traits)
nodes are the last common ancestor