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what is fiber
Any substance, natural or manufactured, with a high length-to-width ratio and with suitable characteristics for being processed into fabric.
what is yarn
An assemblage of fibers, twisted or laid together so as to form a continuous strand that can be made into a textile fabric.
what is fabric
A flexible planar substance constructed from solutions, fibers, yarns, fabrics, or any combination of these.
what is a finish
Any process used to convert gray goods (unfinished fabric) into finished fabric.
what is a textile
A term generally applied to fibers, yarns, fabrics OR products made from fibers, yarns, or fabrics.
what is serviceability
The measure of a textile product's ability to meet consumers' needs
what is included in serviceability?
aesthetics, durability, comfort, safety, appearance retention, care, environmental impact, cost
what is performance
The way a textile or textile products responds to the environment and to use
what is performance determined by
fiber content, yarn type, fabric construction, finish, product (design, fit, construction)
what performance is required by law
SAFETY (flammability)
what is quality
Difficult to define because of different meaning to different people
what is included in quality
appearance, end-use, performance
Fabric quality is not the same as product quality
what are the three key pillars of sustainability
economic development, environmental protection, social responsibility
What is the basic structural unit of fibers?
what is included in the anatomy of an atom?
nucleus in center, electrons in orbit
atoms are held or linked together into molecules by ......
what is an ionic bond?
+ & - electron charges
what is a covalent bond?
electron sharing
for fibers, atoms join by ....
covalent bonds
most fibers are combinations of .....
carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen
what is the primary atom used in the molecules that can form fibers
how many electrons are in a carbon atom
4 electrons
how many elctrons are in a hyrdogen atom
1 elctron
how many electrons are in an oxygen atom
6 electrons
what is a covalent bond
The ease of sharing electrons is determined by the number of electrons an atom has in the outermost shell(atoms have electrons orbiting layers, called shells)
what is a polymer
repeating units in the molecule that join together like cars on a train
what are the molecule that form fibers
what are two arrangements of polymers
crystalline, and amorphous
what is crystalline
arrangements have polymer molecules in a mostly parallel alignment
what is amorphous
arrangements have polymer molecules in a random, nonparallel alignment
are polymers visible
what are the polymer properties
chemical composition, polymer chain length, chemical bonds, arrangement of polymers
polymer properties affect....
fiber properties
all fibers are made of long chain molecules known as
what are natural fibers
From plant, animals or mineral sources;fibers exist in nature but need processing foruse
what are the two manufactured fibers
regenerated + synthetic
what is a regenerated fiber
From plant, animal or mineral sources, but fibers do not exist in natural form; chemical processing is necessary to convert them into fiber form
what is a synthetic fiber
From petrochemical sources. Polymers must be synthesized and formed into fibers
what are examples of natural cellulosic
cotton, linen, hemp, bamboo, flax, remi
what are examples of animal protein
wool, silk, mohair, alpaca, angora, camel, yak