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Q: What are the basic dimensions of the CRJ-550?
A: Length: 106’ 8”
Wingspan: 76’ 3”
Tail Height: 24’ 10”
Q: What is the cargo weight limit for the forward cargo hold?
A: 1,000 lbs
Q: What is the cargo weight limit for the aft cargo hold?
A: 3,740 lbs
Q: Where must lifeguard shipments be stored on the CRJ-550?
A: In the forward cargo hold.
Q: What is the primary power source for the CRJ-550’s electrical system?
A: IDGs (Integrated Drive Generators) – 40 KVA each.
Q: What is the backup power source for the CRJ-550?
A: APU Generator – 40 KVA.
Q: What is the emergency power source for the CRJ-550?
A: ADG (Air-Driven Generator) – Powers the AC ESS Bus.
Q: How is the battery power provided on the CRJ-550?
A: Main Battery (24V, 17 amp/hr) – Located in the nose, provides emergency DC power.
APU Battery (24V, 43 amp/hr) – Located in the aft equipment bay, used for APU start.
Q: What is the bus priority logic for the CRJ-550?
A: AC BUS 1: Gen 1 → APU → Gen 2 → External Power
AC BUS 2: Gen 2 → APU → Gen 1 → External Power
What happens if AC power is lost?
If AC power is lost: ADG deploys and powers AC ESS Bus+Hyd Pump 3B.
Q: How long does the battery backup last and what remains powered?
A: 30 minutes; ED1 & ED2 remain powered
PFD 1, MFD 1, ISI remain active
Com 1, Nav 1, RTU 1 operational.
Q: How many sensors are there for fire detection in the forward cargo hold?
A: 3 sensors.
Q: How many sensors are there for fire detection in the aft cargo hold?
A: 2 sensors.
Q: What is the fire detection test procedure on the CRJ-550?
A: 11 lights should illuminate (7 red, 4 green).
A FIRE SYS OK message should appear on the EICAS.
Q: What is the fire suppression setup for the engines, APU, and cargo on the CRJ-550?
A: Engines: 2 fire bottles (can be fired at either engine).
APU: 1 fire bottle (automatic discharge on the ground).
Cargo: 1 high-rate & 1 low-rate bottle.
Can the APU Fire bottle be automatic discharge on the ground?
Q: What are the fuel tank capacities for the CRJ-550 in pressure refueling?
A: Left+Right Wing Tanks: 7,492 lbs each
Center Tank: 4,610 lbs
Total Capacity: 19,594 lbs.
Q: What are the fuel tank capacities for gravity refueling?
A: Left+Right Wing Tanks: 7,290 lbs each
Center Tank: N/A
Total Capacity: 14,580 lbs.
Q: How does the fuel flow system operate?
A: Motive Flow (Primary): Uses fuel pressure to move fuel.
Boost Pumps (Backup): Used for engine start and low-pressure conditions.
Crossflow System: Auto Mode: Balances fuel when imbalance > 200 lbs
Manual Mode: Pilot selects left or right transfer.
Q: What are the fuel limits for imbalance?
A: T/O Imbalance Limit: 300 lbs
Flight Imbalance Limit: 800 lbs
What is the emergency fuel warning threshold for the CRJ-550?
A: Emergency fuel warning activates when fuel is below 1200 lbs.
Q: What is the thrust rating for normal takeoff for the CRJ-550?
A: 12,670 lbs.
Q: What is the thrust rating with Auto Power Reserve (APR) for the CRJ-550?
A: 13,790 lbs.
Q: What systems control the engine on the CRJ-550?
A: FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control) – Manages thrust, fuel, and airflow.
Q: When is continuous ignition required?
A: Moderate or heavy rain/Turbulence
Vicinity of thunderstorms
Contaminated runways
Icing conditions
Q: What happens when thrust reversers are activated?
A: Go-arounds are prohibited once thrust reversers are deployed.
Q: What is the APU’s altitude limit for startup?
A: FL370.
Q: What is the APU’s altitude limit for providing bleed air?
A: FL250.
Q: What is the APU’s altitude limit for engine start?
A: FL210.
Q: What is the door open limit for the APU?
A: ≤ 220 KIAS unless the APU is running.
Q: What happens if a fire is detected in the APU on the ground?
A: The fire bottle automatically discharges.
Q: How many independent hydraulic systems does the CRJ-550 have?
A: 3 independent systems, with no fluid shared.
Q: What components are powered by Hydraulic System #1?
A: Left Aileron
Left Elevator
Left Spoilers
Left thrust reverser
Q: What components are powered by Hydraulic System #2?
A: Right Aileron
Right Elevator
Right Spoilers
Outboard Brakes
Nose wheel Steering
Q: What components are powered by Hydraulic System #3?
A: Rudder
Landing Gear
Inboard brakes
Q: What happens if AC power is lost?
A: ADG powers Hydraulic Pump 3B, ensuring that primary flight controls remain operable.
Q: What is the normal retraction and extension system for the landing gear?
A: Hydraulic System 3.
Q: What is the emergency retraction and extension system for the landing gear?
A: Manual Gear Release Handle.
Q: What hydraulic systems power the braking system?
A: Outboard Brakes: System 2
Inboard Brakes: System 3.
Q: What is the function of the Anti-Skid system?
A: The Anti-Skid system activates above 35 knots to prevent tire skid.
Q: What is the function of the Brake Temperature Monitoring System (BTMS)?
A: It monitors brake temperature, and if the brakes are overheated, a red indication appears, requiring a maintenance reset.
Q: What are the primary flight controls on the CRJ-550?
A: Ailerons (roll), Elevators (pitch), Rudder (yaw).
Q: What are the secondary flight controls on the CRJ-550?
A: Slats/Flaps, Spoilers, Stabilizer Trim (hydraulic/electric).
Q: What happens during a total power loss?
A: ADG powers Hydraulic Pump 3B, ensuring that primary flight controls remain operable.
Q: What are the sources of pressurization for the CRJ-550?
A: Engine 6th & 10th stage compressors
APU (up to FL250).
Q: What are the altitude limits for emergency depressurization?
A: Cabin altitude max of 14,500 ft.
Q: How is bleed air managed for pressurization during flight?
A: Takeoff: Engine bleeds are used once the gear/flaps are retracted, and TOGA is inactive.
Approach: APU Bleed takes over when flaps or gear are extended.
Q: What components are heated for ice protection on the CRJ-550?
A: Engines and Wings: Bleed air
Windshield and Probes: Electrically heated.
Q: When should anti-ice be used on the ground?
A: When the temperature is ≤10°C and there is visible moisture.
Q: When should anti-ice be used during flight?
A: When TAT is ≤10°C and SAT is ≥-40°C.
Q: What are the key things to remember when answering questions during the oral exam?
A: Always answer with:
What does it do?
What happens if it fails?
How do you fix it?
Q: What acronym can help you remember the emergency power system?
A: ADG = Emergency Power.
Q: What acronym helps you remember the engine control system?
A: FADEC = Engine Brain.
Q: What should your attitude be during the oral exam?
A: Stay calm & confident, act like a Captain, not a First Officer!