Mental and Physical Health
Health Psychology
Study of how psychology influences health and illness
Psychological Disorder
Dysfunctional thoughts and behaviors that make it harder for humans to functon
actions that are harmful or disruptive to oneself or others
emotional or mental suffering
negative attitudes and beliefs that society holds about individuals with mental health issues
scientific organization that represents psychology in the United States
Handbook for diagnosing mental illnesses
Organization focused on health around the world
System used to classify and code various medical conditions
Eclectic Approach
integrating several therapeutic strategies and approaches in Psychology
behavioral approach
observable behaviors rather than internal events
Maladaptive Behaviors
Actions or responses that are ineffective in helping individuals
Psychodynamic Perspective
Behaviors are largely influenced by unconscious drives
Humanistic Approach
Believes individuals have free will and reaching potential
Cognitive Perspective
understanding human behavior that focuses on how we think
Maladaptive Thoughts
Cognitive processes or ways of thinking that are unhelpful
Evolutionary Perspectives
Behaviors to enhance survival
Sociocultural Perspective
Social and cultural factors influence an individual
Biological Perspective
Psychological perspective looking at genetics, the Brain, and other biological factors.
Medical Model
Mental disorders that focuses on biological factors
Biopsychosocial Model
Interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors
Diathesis-Stress Model
Psychological disorders is influenced by both a genetics and environmental factors.
Genetic factor for mental disorders
State of mental or emotional tension
The environment and other factors can change the way that genes are expressed
Neurodevelopmental Disorder
G of conditions characterized by impairments in brain function
developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior
neurodevelopmental disorder: inattention, hyperactivity, etc
Sxhizophrenic Spectrum Disorder
Severe mental disorder: Delusions, Hallucinations
Psychotic Disorders
Cause people to perceive reality different from norm
false beliefs that a person firmly holds, even with evidence against
Delusions of Persecution
False beliefs where an individual feels they are being targeted
Delusions of Grandeur
Delusional belief of an exaggerated sense of one's importance
Perceptions in the absence of external stimulus
Disorganized Thinking
Fragmented or illogical thoughts and speech patterns
Word Salad
jumble of words and phrases
Disorganized motor Behavior
unusual and atypical movements or actions
state of psycho-motor immobility and behavioral abnormality, (cant move and cant think straight)
State of near-unconsciousness
Catatonic Stupor
More severe manifestations of schizophrenia's
Negative Symtoms
Reduction or absence of normal behaviors
Flat Affect
lack of emotional reactivity in person face
Positive Symptoms
Addition of abnormal experiences or behaviors
Severe mental disorder characterized by distortions in thinking
Acute Schizophrenia
type of schizophrenia; sudden onset but treatable
Chronic Schizophrenia
Type of Schizophrenia; long term usually not treatable
Dopamine Hypothesis
excess of dopamine activity causes Schizophrenia
Depressive Disorders
Mental Illness characterized by persistent feelings of sadness and worthlessness
Major Depressive Disorder
A mood disorder at least 2 weeks of depressive symptoms
Persistent Depressive Symptoms
A mood disorder at least 2 years of depressive symptoms
Bipolar Disorder
mental health condition marked by extreme mood swings from mania to depression
Periods of intense and persistent elevated mood
Bipolar 1 disorder
Mood disorder with the occurrence of at least one manic episode
Bipolar 2 disorder
Mood disorder characterized by episodes of depression and hypomania
Pattern of mood episodes in bipolar disorder
Anxiety Disorder
psychological disorder worry, nervousness, unease about future event
Specific phobia
Intense and irrational fears of specific objects or situations
anPhobia of heights
Phobia of Spiders
Phobia of places “hard to escape”
Panic Disorders
Psychiatric disorder with high panic and anxiety
Panic Attacks
abrupt surge of intense fear or discomfort, peaks within minutes
Culture-Bound Anxiety Disorder
anxiety disorders that are specific to particular cultural
Ataque de Nervios
“An attack of nerves”
Social Anxiety Disorder
Mental health condition characterized by anxiety due to social situations
Taijin Kyofusho
Disorder found common in Japan, embarrassing others through one's own actions or appearance
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Psychological disorder characterized by excessive worry about everyday things
mental health disorder characterized by recurring, unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors.
Unwanted and intrusive thoughts cause distress/anxiety
repetitive behaviors or mental acts
Hoarding disorder
persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions
Dissociative Disorder
mental health condition with disruptions in perception in reality
Mental disorders that involve experiencing a disconnection to reality
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Mental disorder characterized by the presence of two or more distinct personality states
Dissociative Amnesia
inability to remember important personal information, usually associated with stressful situation
Trauma and Stressor related disorder
Disorders which are precipitated by specific stressful and potentially traumatic events
mental health condition triggered by experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event leading to later anxiety
heightened state of awareness and alertness
individual relives a traumatic event
difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep
Emotional detachment
person lacks emotional connectivity to others
Aggressive actions or attitudes that are intended to harm others
Feeding and Eating Disorders
Persistent disturbance of eating patterns
Anorexia Nervosa
Eating disorder characterized by an intense fear of gaining weight
Bulimia Nervosa
eating disorder involving cycles of binge eating followed by behaviors trying to maintain a “normal” weight
Personality Disorders
enduring patterns of behavior or cognition that deviate from the norm
Cluster A Personality Disorders
Personality disorders characterized by unusual or eccentric behaviors
Cluster B Personality Disorders
Personality disorders marked by impulsive, overly emotional, and erratic behaviors
Cluster C Personality Disorders
Personality disorders characterized by high levels of anxiety
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Disregard for others' rights, lack of remorse
Borderline Personality Disorder
Intense mood swings, fear of abandonment and unstable relationships
Histrionic Personality Disorder
Excessive attention-seeking and dramatic behavior
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Belief they are better than everyone else, need for admiration, and lack of empathy
Meta Analysis
statistical method that combines results from multiple studies
Treatment of mental disorders through talk therapy
Evidence-based Interventions (Evidence-Based Practice)
Therapies proven effective through research
Therapeutic Alliance
Trust and collaboration between therapist and client
Biomedical Therapies
Use of medications or medical procedures to treat psychological disorders
Psychotropic Medication Therapy
Use of drugs to manage mental health conditions altering brain chemistry
Historical institutions for housing individuals with mental illnesses