textbook definitons
all the characteristics of a person
is a child’s cognitive representation of the self—the substance and content of the child’s self-conceptions.Â
possible self
what an individual might become, would like to become, and is afraid of becoming
social cognition
the processes involved in understanding the world around us, especially how we think and reason about other people.
perspective taking
The social cognitive process involved in assuming the perspective of others and understanding their thoughts and feelings.
Less perspective taking = more relational aggressionÂ
the global evaluative dimension of the self; also called self worth or self-image.Â
domain-specific self evaluations.Â
Who a person is, representing a synthesis and integration of self-understanding.
identity vs role confusion
Erikson’s fifth developmental stage, which individuals experience during the adolescent years. At this time, adolescents examine who they are, what they are all about, and where they are going in life.
psychosocial moratorium
the gap between childhood security and adult autonomy.Â
adolescents experience as part of identity exploration
a period of identity development during which the individual explores alternatives.Â
a personal investment in identity.Â
identity diffusion
no crisis, no commitments. Â
identity foreclosure
commitment, but no crisis.Â
identity moratorium
 in the midst of crisis, but commitments are absent or only vaguely defined.Â
identity achievement
 has undergone a crisis and has made a commitment.
self-assertion and separateness.Â
Having and communicating a point of view; and able to express how one is different from others.
Consists of two dimensions: mutuality, sensitivity to and respect for others’ views; and permeability, openness to others’ views.
ethnic identity
An enduring aspect of the self that includes a sense of membership in an ethnic group, along with the attitudes and feelings related to that membership.
bicultural identity
Identity formation that occurs when adolescents identify in some ways with their ethnic group and in other ways with the majority culture.