Joint inflammation
Inflammation of bone and joint
Immobilization of bone and joint by inflammation
Consolidation of joint
pain in joints or joint
inflammation of bone and cartilage
inflammation involving bone marrow
softening of bones
overgrowth of cartilage and bone that happens at the end of the bone near the growth plate
head tumors made of bone. They're usually found in the head or skull
Genvu Valgum
knees are abnormally close, known as knock knee
Genu Varum
knees abnormally seperated, known as bow knee
Talipes equinovarus
Congenitally deformed foot, club foot
Compound fracture
no open wound on skin
comminuted fracture
bone crushed or splintered
greenstick fracture
when a bone bends and cracks, instead of breaking completely into separate pieces.
impacted fracture
occurs when the broken ends of the bone are jammed together by the force of the injury.
incomplete fracture
occurs when the bone cracks and bends but does not completely break
Transverse fracture
occur when your bone is broken perpendicular to its length. The fracture pattern is a straight line that runs in the opposite direction of your bone.
Splintered fragments fracture
the bone is cracked, but still partially joined
Avulsion fracture
when a small chunk of bone attached to a tendon or ligament gets pulled away from the main part of the bone.
Trimalleolar fracture
happen when you break the lower leg sections that form your ankle joint and help you move your foot and ankle.
partial dislocation
Hallux Varus
a sesamoid bone in the posterolateral capsule of the human knee joint.
Inflammation of bursa (closed fluid filled sacks
Do you use a Grid for a Knee?
What does planto-dorsal exam of foot show?
shows calcaneous
What does oblique internal rotation of foot show?
-Sinus tarsi -most tarsals with least superimposition -shows 4th and 5th metatarsal
What does lateral view of the foot show?
What does lateral view of calcaneus show?
best demonstrates sinus tarsi
What does Oblique Mortise Ankle show?
talo-fibular join free from superimposition
What does medial rotation of ankle (45 degrees) show
Distal tibio-fibular joint open
What does lateral view of ankle show?
Malleoli superimposed
What does AP weight bearing knee show?
early arthritic and varus/valgus deformities
What does lateral knee show?
femora-patellar space open -patella in profile
What does oblique medial rotation knee show?
best shows proximal tibio-fibular joint
What is in profile in AP femur
femoral neck in profile
What does the Judet view of the pelvis show?
Best shows acetabulum
How many degrees/direction show central ray be directed when patient measures 7 1/2 inches from ASIS to tabletop?
3-5 degrees caudal
How many degrees/direction should central ray be directed if patient measures between 7 1/2 and 10 inches from the ASIS to tabletop
0 degrees (perpendicular)
How many degrees/direction should the central ray be directed if patient measures more than 10 inches fro ASIS to the table
3-5 degrees cephalic
What projection shows the superior and inferior rami of pubic bones superimposed medially
Superior inferior "inlet" Bridgeman projection
What method demostrates pubic and ischial rami without foreshortening
"Outlet" taylor