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Perceiving continuous patterns rather than disjointed ones.
Figure Ground
Distinguishing figures from their background.
Depth Perception
Ability to perceive three-dimensional space.
Linear Perspective
Perceived distance increases with angle of convergence.
Texture Gradient
Monocular cue indicating depth through texture detail.
Selective Attention
Focusing on a specific stimulus while ignoring others.
Selective Inattention
Ignoring stimuli while concentrating on something else.
Change Blindness
Failure to notice changes in the environment.
Gestalt Principles
Rules for organizing visual information into wholes.
Organizing stimuli into coherent groups.
Grouping nearby figures together.
Grouping similar items based on shared characteristics.
Filling in gaps to create complete objects.
Retinal Disparity
Difference between images from each eye for depth.
Monocular Cues
Depth cues available to one eye.
Object blocking another is perceived as closer.
Relative Size
Smaller images are perceived as farther away.
Relative Height
Higher perceived objects are seen as farther away.
Shadow/Light Contrast
Shading creates a sense of depth perception.
Motion Parallax
Closer objects appear to move faster than distant ones.
Phi Phenomenon
Illusion of movement from adjacent lights blinking.
Color Constancy
Perceiving familiar objects as having consistent colors.
Size Constancy
Perceiving objects as the same size despite distance.
Shape Constancy
Recognizing shapes as constant despite changes in perspective.