a corto plazo
a deshora
a bad time
a duras penas
hardly, barely
a la vuelta
on the return
a palo seco
on its own
a punto de
on the verge of
a toro pasado
in hindsight
al fin al cabo
in the end
al oro
well done, great
a todo correr
dar permiso
to give permission
dar la lata
to annoy by talking too much
dar a entender
to let someone know
dar luz verde
to give the green light, allow
darse por vencido/a
to give up
de buena gana
with pleasure
desde luego
of course
de veras
really, truly
de buenas a primeras
de nuevo
echar flores
to flatter
echarle de menos
to miss someone, something
entre la espada y la pared
between a rock and a hard place
echar a suertes
to decide by luck (ej' by a coin)
echar a perder
to go to waste
en boca de todos
the talk of the town
en un abrir y cerrar de ojos
blink of an eye
estar de bromas
to be kidding
estar en las nubes
to have your head in the clouds
El fútbol es así
hacer caso
to pay attention to, obey
hacer falta
to lack, to need
hacer frente
to face, to confront
hacer la vista gorda
to overlook (ignore)
hacer las paces
to make peace
hacer el papel
to play the role of
hacerse ilusiones
to get one's hopes up
hacer un papelón
to make a fool (embarrass)
hacer hincapié
to emphasize
echar una bronca
to come down on someone (yell)
echar una mano
to lend a hand (help)
echar un vistazo
to glance, to look around
echar de ver
to notice
echar a rodar
to spoil, mess it up
echar la culpa
to blame
tener en cuenta
to keep in mind
tener ganas de
to feel like
tener sentido
to make sense
tener mala leche
to have a mean streak
tener ánimo
to be in the mood for
tener el alma en un hilo
to be anxious
tener algo de
to have something to do with
tener buena cara
to look bad (sick)
tener presente
to have in mind
¿Qué tiene?
what's up with x?
dar un salto
to startle
dar una vuelta
to go for a ride/walk
dar con
to run into, come across
dar por
to consider
dar las gracias
to give thanks
caerle bien
to like, get along with
contar con
to count on
costarle trabajo
to be difficult
decir disparates
to say nonsense
pasarlo bien
to have a good time
pasarlo mal
to have a bad time
de hoy en adelante
from now/today on
en seguida
right away
en todo caso
in any case
hace poco
a short while ago
lo de siempre
as always (same as it ever was)
mejor que nunca
better than ever
sano y salvo
safe & sound
sin querer
without wanting to/accidently
ya no
no more/not anymore
andar mal
something is bad in your life
aprender de memoria
to memorize
caerle bien/mal
(personality) to get along with/to not get along with
cambiar de idea
to change your mind
contar con
to count on
decir disparates
to talk nonsense
dejar caer
to drop
es hora de
it's time to
ganar dinero
to make money
ganarse la vida
to make a living
llamar al timbre
to ring the doorbell
llamar a la puerta
to knock
llevar a cabo
to carry out/to accomplish/to finish
llevarse bien/mal
to get along with/to not get along with
morirse de risa
to die of laughter
no servir para nada
to be useless
pagar a medias
to split the check
pasar lista
to take attendance
pasarlo bien/mal
to have a good time/to have a bad time
pedir prestado
to borrow
perder el tiempo
to waste time
ponerse de acuerdo
to reach/come to an agreement
portarse bien/mal
to behave well, to misbehave
prestar atención
to pay attention