All notes taken from:
What is material deprivation?
Inability to afford basic resources that impacts on a child’s educational achievement
Douglas (1964) ‘Home and the School’- material deprivation has a cumulative effect on achievement
Who suffers from maternal deprivation?
Measurement of material deprivation is usually receipt of free school meals (FSM)
4.6 million children (34%) living in poverty in the UK (Social Metrics Commission)- only 13.6% claim FSM
45% of children in minority ethnic families are in poverty (Child Poverty Action Group)
White and mixed ethnicity students on FSM make less progress in secondary school than their non-FSM peers
How does material deprivation impact on education?
Lack of ability to afford resources and hidden costs
Overcrowded accommodation
Part-time jobs
Diet and nutrition
Caring responsibilities
How does it impact on education?
90% of schools rated require improvement or lower in deprived areas
School as detritus- student self-esteem
Instability in educational provision
What did New Labour do about material deprivation?
Sure start
Excellence in Cities
City centre academies
What did the Coalition government do about material deprivation?
Universal free school meals to Year 2
Pupil Premium
What are the evaluations of material deprivation explanations?
2017: 28.6% of FSM pupils achieved 5 GCSEs compared to 60.8% of those not on FSM
Validity of measurements: many in poverty are not in receipt of FSM
Chinese students on FSM- 77% achieved 5 GCSEs, and Chinese not on FSM- 78% achieved 5 GCSEs (Strand 2015)
Most minority ethnic groups have a small gap in Progress 8 scores between those on FSM and those not on FSM
Impact of material deprivation on in-school behaviours