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Winston Churchill -
replaced Neville Chamberlain as prime minister, peace is never an option
Joseph stalin
became new Soviet dictator in 1926, started massive effort to industrialize his country in 1927
Adolf Hitler
a fervent anticommunist and an admirer of Mussolini
Benito Mussolini
a former schoolmaster and journalist who returned from WWI and convinced his country to become its fascist leader
a policy used by Britain and France with Hitler, to give concessions in exchange for peace
idea that trade between nations creates prosperity and helps to prevent war
lightning war, used large numbers of massed tanks to break through and encircle enemy positions
Maginot Line
line of concrete bunkers and fortifications along the German border built by France
unification. Hitler sent troops into Austria in March and announced the ____ of Austria and Germany
Neutrality Act of 1935
made it illegal for Americans to sell arms to any country at war
Vladimir Lenin
led the Bolshevik Party to establish communist governments throughout the Russian empire
resource-rich province in northern China, targeted by Japan to get conquered
a kind of aggressive nationalism, believed the nation was more important than the individua
Battle of Britain
Luftwaffe launched an all-out air battle to destroy the British Royal Air Force, lasted into fall of 1940
catastrophe that ravaged Europe’s Jews, 6 million Jews were killed
Nuremberg Laws
took citizenship away from Jewish Germans and banned marriage between Jews and other Germans
Wannsee Conference
meeting with 15 Nazi leaders held in a Berlin suburb, to determine the “final solution of the Jewish question.”
Concentration camps
detention centers where Nazis put Jews in to work
Extermination camps
attache to concentration camps where many Jews were mass executed in massive gas chambers
America First Committee
Roosevelt’s destroyers-for-bases deal led to the founding of ____, was a staunchly isolationist group that firmly opposed any American intervention or aid to the Allies
Lend-Lease Act
U.S. can lend or lease arms to any country considered vital to the U.S.
Hemispheric defense zone
entire western half of Atlantic was neutral and U.S. can patrol the Atlantic to reveal Germans
Atlantic Charter
committed Roosevelt and Churchill to a postwar world of democracy, nonaggression, free trade, etc.
Strategic material
materials important for fighting a war