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Basic Crime Scene Procedures
Physical evidence recognition, documentation, proper evidence collection, packaging, and preservation
Crime Scene Management
Teamwork approach of investigators and crime scene personnel that successfully resolves a case
Crime Scene map
Using techniques associated with surveying to obtain data that can be used to generate a three-dimensional rendering and record of the science
Crime scene reconstruction
Analysis and reconstruction of a crime scene that logically links a detailed series of scientific explanations to provide an understanding of the sequence of events
Crime scene security
Practices used to secure a crime scene and to keep unauthorized persons away from the scene integrity
crime scene sketch
A rough drawing used to document a crime scene
crime scene survey
A rapid initial study of the crime scene or areas suspected to be a crime scene
First responding officers
First person arriving at a crime scene; usually a law enforcement officer or other emergency personnel
Macroscopic crime scene
The overall or "big picture" crime scene
Microscopic crime scene
Crime scene description based on the type of physical evidence present
Primary crime scene
Description of a crime scene based on the location of the original criminal activity; the original scene
Secondary crime scene
Crime scene location after the original or primary crime scene
Recording the scene using continuous video (usually digital)
Preliminary crime scene survey performed to orient the crime scene investigator to the scene and the physical evidence at the scene
Acronym for who, what, when, where, and why; the questions associated with a crime
Definitions or classifications of crime scenes
1. Location of the crime scene (primary and secondary crime scenes)
2. Size of the crime scene (macroscopic and microscopic)
Four components of crime scene management
1. Information management
2. Manpower management
3. Technology Management
4. Logistics Management
Five Crime scene investigation models
1. Traditional
2. Crime Scene Technicians
3. Major Crime Squad
4. Lab crime scene scientist
5. Collaborative Team
Duties of the first responder at the crime scene
1. assist the victim
2. search for and arrest the suspect if still on scene
3. Detain any witnesses. keep them separated to preserve their objectivity
4. protect and secure the crime scene. use barrier tape, log people who enter and exit the crime scene.
5. Document all movements, alterations, or changes made to the crime scene
Components or tasks of crime scene documentation
1. note taking
2. videography
3. photography
4. sketching
Basic process used for photographing crime scenes
-overall photos, mid range photos, close up photos
- record photos in log, use camera settings with good focus, no extraneous objects in photos
Two basic types of crime scene sketches? Two types of perspectives used in sketches?
the rough sketch and the finished sketch
overhead sketch and side view sketch
Six types of search patterns used in crime scene investigations?
1. link method
2. line or strip method
3. grid method
4. zone method
5. wheel or ray method
6. spiral method
General guidelines for collection, packaging, and preservation of physical evidence?
-Packaged into a primary container that is placed in a secondary container
- Sealed with tamper resistant tape
- Marked with information about item, identity of collector, date and time
Stages of a crime scene reconstruction
1. Data collection
2. Conjecture
3. Hypothesis formulation
4. Testing
5. Theory formulation
Purpose of a walk-through
a mental beginning for a reconstruction theory that may be changed as the investigation goes on. note evidence that might need processimg