The process of selecting governmental leaders and determining policies.
The institution responsible for creating public policy in a society.
Policymaking Institutions
Branches of government (Congress, presidency, courts, bureaucracy) that address political issues.
Political Participation
Citizens' activities influencing political leaders or policies, including voting, protest, and civil disobedience.
Political Efficacy
Citizens' trust in government and belief in their ability to understand and influence political matters.
Representative Democracy
System where citizens vote for representatives to make public policy.
Participatory Democracy
Focuses on broad participation in politics and civil society.
Pluralist Democracy
Emphasizes group-based activism by non-governmental interests in political decision-making.
Elite Democracy
Stresses limited participation in politics and civil society.
Hyperpluralism Theory
Contends that strong groups weaken government, an extreme form of pluralism.
Class View or Theory
Suggests government is dominated by capitalists.
System where power is with the people, exercised directly or through elected representatives.