a form of government of government in which one person possesses unlimited power
what did Hans Roger say about industrial growth
‘great industrial spurt of the 1890s’
russia working class made up around
2% of population by 1980
what happened in 1881
assisanaiton of tsar Alexander II
population jump from 1861 - 1914
74 to 164 mil
what percentage was the peasantry
what was introduced to help relieve peasant hunger
land bank 1880
who wanted independence, nationalism
Poland, Latvia, Lithuania
weakness of the tsar
naive and indecisive
what was russia experiencing
‘crisis of modernity’
why was strip farming ineffective(2)
no incentive to improve it
waste of time
who came up with the concept of the crisis of modernity
s.a smith
who was one of the sr leading founders
victor chernov
who was the sr main theoretician
victor chernov
2 sr ideas
- self governing communities
no central government
what happened to the sr in 1908
yevno Azef - okrana spy
industrial growth from what areas
ukraine and st peterburg
what did the RSDLP debate in 1903 in Brussels
political strategy
how many delegates at 1903 Brussel meeting
how many demonstrators in st Petersburg on Bloody Sunday
clashes with Poland how many troops deployed there
oil, steel, coal growth from
who was the st Petersburg soviet
elected representative of industrial workers
members of the st Petersburg soviet represented
500 workers
st Petersburg armed militia
where did the august manifesto come from
bulgyin’s constitution
a reaction to the October manifesto allowed which group to be created
who was the leader of the kadet party
when was the k adet party formed
October 1905
by the end of 1905 tsarist power
much stronger
octoberistics happy
armed forced, nobility and orthodox church happy
engineering and textiles from
st peterburg
Moscow and st Petersburg had an increased pop by
the harsh penal code stopped
stikes and unions
unrest in the country within the
black earth region
peasantry pissed at the raises taxes on consumer items eg
heating oil and matches
who were the bund
socialist jewish party
when was the bund established
when was the Russian socialist democratic labour party formed
when was the SR formed
who did sr kill
ministry of the interior 1902 and 1904
orthodoxy under
gov control
orthodoxy was the
spiritual wing of the regime
Russian language
in schools and court proceedings
orthodox church were given
money to convert
how many jews lived in russia by 1900
5 million
.3 things further challenged Tsarist authority.
Industrialisation, population growth, and nationalism
what was the crisis of modernity
attempt to modernise from urban workers
who involved in the crisis of modernity 3
peasantry, urban workers, and an educated middle class.
what did with advise Nicolas to decide between
military rule or concessions
Nationalistic Tensions
Poland witnessed clashes between demonstrators and the Russian army, with over 250,000 troops deployed to maintain order
Crush of the Moscow Uprising reason
The Moscow Soviet's call for an armed uprising in December 1905 led to brutal reprisals by government forces.
Crush of the Moscow Uprising
how many died
what year was the Moscow uprising
December 1905
what were tsarist repressive instruments
censorship, the army and the okrahna
weakness of tsar?
indecisive and naive
electoral law of December 1905
extended voting rights but ensured the electoral system favored landowners and excluded certain groups.
why was Russification introduced?
Poland and Estonia posed a threat to the regime
the great reforms promised
abolition of serfdom
milyukov led a
banquet campaign
when was the sr formed
how were the social democrats established
through the union of liberation
social democrats leader
abolition of serfdom in what year
population of urban working class
3 mil by 1890s
population explosion 74mil to .. by 1914
what enabled Nicholas to autocratically rule Russia with potential for corruption
an absence of checks on his power and a lack of a constitution and legal safe guards
Moscow population increased by ..%
places like Poland and Lithuania wanted to.. from Russia
break away
peasant rioting in the
black earth region
why riots in the black earth region?
higher taxes on basic consumer items such as alcohol, sugar, tea, heating oil
who were the zemstvos
growing middle class engaging with local govhaw
what did the zemstvos do
relieve famine
when was the assassination of Alexander II
when was it founded union of liberation
1904 at secret meeting in st Petersburg
who was the leader of the union of liberation
Paul milyukov
when was the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party?
SR made up of
middle class
SR wanted to overthrow…
Tsarist and build new democratic order
Who was Victor Chernov?
founder of SR
chernov’s ideas represented mainstream SR thinking
did chernov believe in self governing communities
did sr like violence
sr combat organisation in 190..
SRs wanted assassination of government ministers and officials carried out using
firearms or dynamite
before 1905
opposition illegal
how many jews in Russia by 1900
5 mil
the okrana used … and …
torture and fear
what particularly influenced the poor in regards to the tsars power
the orthodox church as it received funding for preaching obedience to the tsar due to divine right
problem with freedom of serfs
harsh terms and 49 year repayment
why did the influence of the church decrease x2
the priests got a reputation of often being drunk and corrupt
urban areas grew so the church struggled to hold control
nationality doctrine 2 key points
Russia was unique rom the West socialist and liberal ideas were unrussian
the domination of the Russian empire right as Russia had built it so therefore could control it
tsarist policy to spread Russian culture culture and language in an effort to create unity
2 effects of Russification
Poland and Baltic provinces forced to use Russian language in court and schools
non-orthodox churches that had deep roots in other nations were bullied and harassed e.g protestant churches in baltic provinces
impact of russification
repressed minority groups causing tension
provoked demonstrations in Armenia resulting in 10 killed and 70 wounded
why was russification counter productive
aroused resentment within minority nationalisties and opposition
how did the okhrana keep track of leaders in exile
had overseas informants
in 1900 how many full time agents did the Okhrana have and how many were in St Petersburg
2,500 agents
1/3 in St Petersburg
2 problems caused by the Okhrana
people lost trust in each other causing tension
created a climate of fear
impact of the Okhrana on the regimes survival x3
effective at stopping revolutionary acts
stopped spread of ‘dangerous’ ideas that threatened the regimes stability
took pre-emptive actions against the opposition
3 rules put on Jews due to anti-semitc feelings inside the government
forced to live in ‘ the pale of settlement zone’ along western border
access to higher education restricted
harsh discriminatory policies