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Thickness of Skin on Plantar Surface of Foot
Epidermis - 1.5mm
Dermis - 3 mm
True or False; The Plantar Surface of the foot has a low concentration of Sweat Glands and numerous Sebaceous Glands
False; The opposite - Sweat Glands in high concentration and no Sebaceous Glands
Do other areas of skin work for autographs of the Plantar Skin?
Function of Fat Pads in the Foot
Protect Bones, Nerves, Vasculature; Absorbs and dissipates energy from impact and shear forces acting on the foot
Fat Pads are considered ___ Fats and are NOT broken down to be used for energy
Essential Fats
What is the function of the Filaments that run through the Fat Pads of the Foot?
Adhere skin to underlying Bone and Connective Tissue; Prevents fat from spreading out from compressive forces during weight-bearing
Flat Foot is also known as...
Pes Planus
A foot with a high medial arch is known as...
Pes Cavus
Is Pes Planus or Pes Cavus more common?
Pes Planus
Flat Feet / Pes Planus is commonly caused by...
Ligaments of the foot not holding the Medial Arch of the foot properly - causes the Navicular to begin bearing weight
The ___ is the highest Arch of the foot?
Medial Arch
Does the Lateral Longitudinal Arch do more or less weight-bearing than the rest of the foot?
What two Metatarsals do the most weight-bearing?
First and Fifth
Plantar Fasciitis is a inflammation of what structure?
Plantar Aponeurosis
Pain on the Medial Side of the Foot just Anterior to the Heel is indicative of what condition?
Plantar Fasciitis
Which is thicker; the Plantar Aponeurosis or Plantar Fascia?
Plantar Aponeurosis
Extending the Big Toe stretches what structure of the foot?
Plantar Aponeurosis
Muscles of the First Layer of the Plantar Surface of the Foot
Abductor Hallucis, Flexor Digitorum Brevis, Abductor Digiti Minimi
Muscles of the Second Layer of the Plantar Surface of the Foot
Flexor Hallucis Longus, Flexor Digitorum Longus Tendons; Quadratus Plantae, Lumbricals
When the Flexor Hallucis Brevis splits, what tendon runs through the split?
Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendon
What part of the Calcaneus holds up the Talus?
Sustentaculum Tali
True or False; the Sustentaculum Tali is on the Medial Side of the Foot
The Tendon of what Muscle runs between the two Sesamoid bones of the First Metatarsal?
Flexor Hallucis Longus
What muscle attempts to straighten the pull of the Flexor Digitorum Longus?
Quadratus Plantae
What artery branches under the Abductor Hallucis?
The Posterior Tibial Artery into the Medial Plantar Artery
The Third Layer of the Plantar Surface of the Foot is made up of what muscles?
Flexor Hallucis Brevis, Adductor Hallucis, Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
The Fourth Layer of the Plantar Surface of the Foot is made up of what muscles?
Plantar and Dorsal Interossei
For Ad/Abduction of the Toes, what is the point of reference?
The Second Digit
Under the Foot, the Posterior Tibial Artery divides into what?
Lateral and Medial Plantar Arteries
Where does the Lateral Plantar Artery terminate?
It forms the Deep Plantar Arch and anastomoses with the Deep Plantar Artery of the Dorsal Pedis Artery
What nerves provide cutaneous innervation to the Plantar Surface of the foot?
Medial Plantar, Lateral Plantar, Medial Calcaneal Branches, Saphenous, Tibial, Sural Nerves
What three bones make up the Acetabulum?
Ilium, Ischium, Pubis
Is the Head of the Femur completely round?
No; It has a pit/fovea that serves as an attachment for the Ligament of the Head of Femur
The Head of the Femur is covered with ___ Cartilage
Hyaline / Articular
Is the Neck of the Femur a True or False Neck?
True Neck
What ligament inserts on the Intertrochanteric Line?
Iliofemoral Ligament
What ligament is considered the strongest in the body?
Iliofemoral Ligament (Y Ligament of Begelow)
True or False; Anterior-Superior dislocations are the most common in the Hip
False; Posterior-Inferior ligaments are most common - follow a rupture of the Ischiofemoral Ligament
What ligament can be found in the Notch of the Acetabulum?
Transverse Acetabular Ligament
Ligamentum Teres is another term for...
The Ligament of Head of the Femur
The Transverse Acetabular Ligament is directly connected to what other ligamentous structure?
Ligament of Head of the Femur / Ligamentum Teres
What motions does the Ligament of Head of the Femur restrict?
None; It is a weak ligament
What is the possible function of the Ligament of Head of the Femur?
Carry blood into joint / into the Head of the Femur
Blood Supply to Head of Femur
Medial and Lateral Circumflex Femoral Arteries
Medial + Lateral Circumflex Arteries
Branch from Deep Femoral Artery; Travel through joint / ligaments to provide blood to Head of Femur and Joint
Swelling in the Hip Joint may occlude the Medial/Lateral Circumflex Femoral Arteries, resulting in what condition?
Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head
The Foveolar Artery branches from the ___ Artery
Obturator Artery
If the Knee is Extended, Hip Flexion is limited by the...
What limits Hip Extension?
Iliofemoral Ligament
Abduction of the Hip is limited by...
The Adductors
Adduction, External + Internal Rotation are all limited by what structure?
Joint Capsule
What is the biggest Sesamoid Bone in the body?
True or False; the Fibular Collateral Ligament is also known as the Lateral Collateral Ligament
The ACL prevents ___ Translation of the Tibia on the Femur
Anterior; (or Posterior Translation of the Femur on the Tibia)
The PCL prevents ___ Translation of the Tibia on the Femur
Posterior (or Anterior Translation of the Femur on the Tibia)
True or False; the Medial Meniscus is made up of Hyaline Cartilage
False; It is a Fibrocartilaginous structure
Medial Meniscus Function
Help glide movement of Femur on Tibia (or vice versa)
The Medial Collateral Ligament directly connects to what structure?
Medial Meniscus
On the Patella, the ___ (lateral/medial) Facet is wider, while the ___ (lateral/medial) Facet is deep
Lateral Facet is wider; Medial Facet is deeper
Which direction is the Patella most commonly dislocated?
Housemaid's Knee is a common term for what condition?
Prepatellar Bursitis; Inflammation of the Subcutaneous pre-patellar Bursa
Coronary Ligaments of the Knee
Attach Meniscus to Tibia; Hold Meniscus in place
What muscle runs deep to the Lateral Collateral Ligament?
The Apex of the Patella points ___ (inferiorly/superiorly)
The Anterior-Posterior distance on the ___ (lateral/medial) Condyle is greater when compared to the other side
Because the Anterior-Posterior distance of the Lateral Condyle is smaller than the Medial, it allows what mechanism to take place?
Screw-Home Mechanism
True or False; No Quadricep activity is required to continue standing once the Screw-Home Mechanism has locked in
True - UNLESS there is a pathological issue with the Popliteus
High Ankle Sprains occur when the Anterior and Posterior ___ Ligaments are damaged
Anterior and Posterior Tibiofibular Ligaments
Purpose of the Anterior/Posterior Tibiofibular Ligaments
Holds Tibia and Fibula together; Creates mortice of Talocrural Joint
What is the most sprained ligament in the body?
Anterior Talofibular Ligament (ATFL)
What three ligaments make up the Lateral Collateral Ligament of the Ankle?
Posterior Talofibular, Calcaneofibular, Anterior Talofibular Ligaments
The Deltoid Ligament is made up of the...
Tibionavicular, Tibiocalcaneal, Anterior Tibiotalar, and Posterior Tibiotalar Ligaments
Is the Deltoid Ligament of the Ankle often sprained?
What ligament connects the Sustentaculum Tali to the Navicular?
Plantar Calcaneo-Navicular / Spring Ligament
Supination is a combination of what two motions?
Inversion and Plantarflexion
What type of joints are found between Phalanges of the Toes?
Hinge Joint
Metatarsophalangeal Joints are what type of joints?
The Plantar Calcaneocuboid / Short Plantar Ligament serves what purpose?
To stabilize the foot
The Tibial Nerve branches into what two Nerves in the foot?
Medial and Lateral Plantar Nerves