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5 tenants of aws architecture for the best possible architecture
high availbility
fault tolerance
high durability
high availbility
remove single points of failure; if one thing breaks, it shouldn’t bring everything down; run cloud workloads in multiple regions/avail zones for this
elastic load balancer
to distribute traffic across locations and reroute when one location fails to get best possible latency
application load balancer
distribute traffic from web to targets in networks w http/s traffic
network load balancer
handle millions of reqs per sec w tcp traffic
add remove resources on demand; scale up or down based on metric u choose (budget, traffic, configured computing memory, other stuff)
vertical (up) scalability
upgrade current server to have more resources
add separate servers to add to list of existing servers
automate workloads by adding/removing; automatically increase/decrease resources based on metric u choose
auto scaling groups
to add remove resources to reduce human error and lag time to meet perf reqs. asks for min, max, desired instances; scale up or down to meed demand
fault tolerance
handle failures well when smth happens; ensure no point of failure and if it happens u can handle it
failover strategy
by having 2nd copy of db ready to start if primary one in diff region fails
high durability
recovery from failures in the expected way + recover w min data loss
recovery time objective (rto)
max time that business can be offline bc of accidents w/out loss
recovery point objective (rpo)
max data that can be lost
management console
user friendly and web based interface. each service has its own console.
software to help integrate app langs w aws; make code compatible to run and manage aws resources; used to build software for a specific platform like aws to support prog langs like python, java, ruby, go. google aws [lang] sdk
devops. used to programmable make changes to aws resources; create and run scipts to automate processes in aws for developers
management tool types (3)
management console
aws access keys
required to have programmic access to aws resources outside of console; access key id and secret access key.
access key id and secret access key.
same permissions as user. can deactivate and regenerate new one for user on demand. never share
aws account id
12 digit for ur account (private)
aws api
application programming interface; stuff that allows 2 services to talk to each other. ex. http/s requests. can customize to use in console, sdk or cli