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39 Terms

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Plant name : Punica granatum

Drug name : Granati cortex

  • brown with orange hue

  • bitter taste

  • when your saliva mixes with it, the saliva turns orange

  • has small lenticels

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Plant name : Cinnamomum ceylanicum

Drug name : Cinnamomi cortex

  • same color inside and outside

  • no lenticels

  • orange/brown color

  • amazing taste

  • faint cinnamon smell

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Plant name : Quercus robur

Drug name : Quercus cortex

  • yellow and brown outside

  • greenish yellow inside

  • bitter taste

  • no lenticels

  • no distinct smell

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Plant name : Frangula alnus

Drug name : Frangulae cortex

  • brown outside, redish inside

  • lenticels are mole visible and appear as whitish lines

  • nice smell

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Plant name : Capsicum annuum

Drug name : Capsici fructus

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Plant name : Pimpinella anisum

Drug name : Anisi fructus

  • smells and tastes like Bronhi

  • small yellowish-brown plant

  • small

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Plant name : Foeniculum vulgare

Drug name : Foeniculi fructus

  • almond shaped

  • similar, but bigger than Anisi fructus

  • brown and yellow around

  • pleasant smell, similar to Bronhi

  • tastes bad

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Plant name : Rosa canina

Drug name : Cynosbati fructus

  • reddish brown outside

  • inside - many yellow seeds with hairs

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Plant name : Juniperus communis

Drug name : Juniperi fructus

  • dark blue

  • looks like blueberries

  • smells bad when opened

  • three parts and seeds which are small and brownish

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Plant name : Carum carvi

Drug name : Carvi fructus

  • long shaped

  • brown

  • tastes like kifle from Rampart

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Plant name : Artemisia absinthium

Drug name : Absinthii herba

  • bitter taste

  • yellowish brown

  • nice smell

  • itches my nose

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Plant name : Equisetum arvense

Drug name : Equiseti herba

  • thin

  • no flower

  • smells like slama

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Plant name : Hypericum perforatum

Drug name : Hyperici herba

  • orangey

  • has holes in leaves

  • orange flower

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Hyperici herba under microscope

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Plant name : Achillea millefolium

Drug name : Millefolii herba

  • beautiful smell

  • pretty

  • yellowish white flowers

  • 5 petals

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Plant name : Urtica dioica

Drug name : Urticae herba

  • spikey hairs

  • green

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Urticae herba under microscope

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Plant name : Thymus vulgaris

Drug name : Thymi serpylii herba

  • beautiful smell

  • purple flower

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Plant name : Matricaria chamomilla

Drug name : Chamomillae flos

  • yellow flower

  • smells like chamomile tea

  • hollow inside

  • nice smell

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Chamomillae flos under microscope, 5 petals

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cross section of chamomile, hollow inside

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Plant name : Calendula officinalis

Drug name : Calendulae flos

  • yellow/orange flowers

  • do not like the smell

  • semen looks like a snail (if we have shredded neven)

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  • shredded neven

  • snail-shaped semen

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Plant name : Jambosa caryophyllus

Drug name : Caryophylli flos

  • 4 petals, 4 sepals

  • smells like grandma’s kompot with apples

  • brown

  • shrub

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Plant name : Verbascum phlomoides

Drug name : Verbasci flos

  • hairs and star like needles

  • smells a little like mint

<p>Plant name : Verbascum phlomoides</p><p>Drug name : Verbasci flos</p><ul><li><p>hairs and star like needles</p></li><li><p>smells a little like mint</p></li></ul><p></p>
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Plant name : Tilia cordata

Drug name : Tiliae flos

  • yellow flowers

  • grouped flowers

  • 3-5 flower heads

  • 5 petals and 5 sepals

  • don’t like the smell

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Plant name : Sambucus nigra

Drug name : Sambuci flos

  • yellowish flowers

  • nice smell

  • each flower has 5 petals

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Sambuci flos under microscope

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<p>Describe what you see, because this will come shredded. </p>

Describe what you see, because this will come shredded.

Plant name : Urtica dioica

Drug name : Urticae herba

  • recognisable spikes/hairs

<p>Plant name : Urtica dioica</p><p>Drug name : Urticae herba </p><ul><li><p>recognisable spikes/hairs </p></li></ul><p></p>
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<p>Describe what you see, because this will come shredded.</p>

Describe what you see, because this will come shredded.

Plant name : Rosmarinus officinalis

Drug name : Rosmarini folium

  • hairs look like deer horns

<p>Plant name : Rosmarinus officinalis</p><p>Drug name : Rosmarini folium</p><ul><li><p>hairs look like deer horns </p></li></ul><p></p>
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<p>Describe what you see, because this will come shredded.</p>

Describe what you see, because this will come shredded.

Plant name : Salvia officinalis

Drug name : Salviae folium

  • one type of hair

  • branched and long

<p>Plant name : Salvia officinalis</p><p>Drug name : Salviae folium</p><ul><li><p>one type of hair</p></li><li><p>branched and long</p></li></ul><p></p>
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<p>Describe what you see, because this will come shredded. </p>

Describe what you see, because this will come shredded.

Plant name : Matricaria chamomilla

Drug name : Chamomillae flos

  • 5 petals

<p>Plant name : Matricaria chamomilla</p><p>Drug name : Chamomillae flos</p><ul><li><p>5 petals </p></li></ul><p></p>
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<p>Describe what you see, because this will come shredded. </p>

Describe what you see, because this will come shredded.

Plant name : Mentha piperita

Drug name : Menthae piperitae folium

  • two types of hairs

  • first is simple hairs (spikes)

  • second type is the hairs where we have spaces that contain essential oils and look like mushrooms

<p>Plant name : Mentha piperita</p><p>Drug name : Menthae piperitae folium</p><ul><li><p>two types of hairs</p></li><li><p>first is simple hairs (spikes)</p></li><li><p>second type is the hairs where we have spaces that contain essential oils and look like mushrooms </p></li></ul><p></p>
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<p>Describe what you see, because this will come shredded.</p>

Describe what you see, because this will come shredded.

Plant name : Verbascum phlomoides

Drug name : Verbasci flos

  • star shaped hairs

<p>Plant name : Verbascum phlomoides</p><p>Drug name : Verbasci flos</p><ul><li><p>star shaped hairs </p></li></ul><p></p>
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<p>Which two plants are present? Describe the difference. </p>

Which two plants are present? Describe the difference.

The left : Plant name - Nigella sativa ; Drug name - Nigellae semen

The right : Plant name - Linum usitatissimum ; Drug name - Lini semen

DIFFERENCES : Nigella sativa is black and small seeds, recognisable smell. Linum usitatissimum is brown, shiny seed which is curved to one side.

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<p>Which two plants are present? Describe the difference. </p>

Which two plants are present? Describe the difference.

The left : Plant name - Teucrium chamaedrys ; Drug name - Teucrii herba

The right : Plant name - Thymus vulgaris ; Drug name - Thymi serpylii herba

DIFFERENCES : Teucrium chamaedrys has toothed leaves, while Thymus vulgaris has smooth edges.

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<p>Which two plants are present? Describe the difference. </p>

Which two plants are present? Describe the difference.

The left : Plant name - Prunus spinosa ; Drug name - Pruni fructus

The right : Plant name - Rosa canina ; Drug name - Cynosbati fructus

DIFFERENCES : Rosa canina is breakable and has yellow seeds inside and the shape is not completely circular. Prunus spinosa is not breakable.

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<p>Which two plants are present? Describe the difference. </p>

Which two plants are present? Describe the difference.

The left : Plant name - Juniperus communis ; Drug name - Juniperi fructus

The right : Plant name - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi ; Drug name - Uvae ursi fructus

DIFFERENCES : Juniperus communis has three parts and smells bad when opened. Arctostaphylos uva-ursi is a bit lighter color and tastes like brusnica, which it is.

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<p>Which two plants are present? Describe the difference. </p>

Which two plants are present? Describe the difference.

By the naked eye it is very hard to see the difference, so in this case we have to look under the microscope.

Middle picture : Plant name - Filipendula ulmaria ; Drug name - Filipendulae flos

Bottom picture : Plant name - Sambucus nigra ; Drug name - Sambuci flos

DIFFERENCES : Filipendula ulmaria has multiple stamens (prasnici) that are inside the flower, while Sambucus nigra only has 2 stamens which grown with the flower.