correlations are a way of doing research
correlation research
looks for a relationship between two variables known as coverable one ad coverable two
they will always involve the use of another research method to measure the variable
positive correlation
as one variable increases, the other does too
negative correlation
as one variable increases, the other decreases
zero correlation
no relationship between the points
strong correlation
weak correlation
not proportional
null hypothesis
states there will be no effect
alternative hypothesis
states there will be an effect= non directional or directional
strengths of correlations
can easily establish if there is a relationship between two variables. This is useful because we can then conduct further studies to look for a reason for the relationship.So, correlations are useful as an initial exploratory piece of research.
The analysis of the data is objective because correlations use quantitive data which is analysed statistically and therefore correlational research tends to be reliable(however does depend on what research method has been used to measure variables as it could be subjective)
weaknesses of correlations
validity is dependent on how the two variables have been measured. Correlations often rely on quantitive data e.g. qualitative data such as happiness rating being turned into quantitive data. This is subjective and susceptible to both demand characteristics and social desirability bias.
correlations do not establish a cause and effect relationship, they simply show some kind of relation ship between the two variables. There could be a third variable that is the cause of both the variables being tested.