mkd era #3

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7 Years War (French and Indian War)

  • Resulted in the Treaty of Paris and Peace of Hubertusburg

  • Treaty of Paris caused France to lose almost all land in North America

  • Treaty of Hubertusburg caused Prussia, Austria, and Saxony to return to 1748 borders

  • Great Britain, Prussia, and Russia became major powers in Europe. France, Austria, and Spain were reduced.

  • Debt that Britain gathered -> taxes on colonists in NA -> American Revolution

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Invention of the Spinning Jenny

  • A major factor in industrializing the textile industry

  • Met the gap in supply and demand for textiles

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Declaration of Independence

  • American colonies severed ties with Great Britain

  • Provided the colonies' justification for seeking independence

  • Continued John Locke's ideas of life, liberty, and (pursuit of happiness)

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Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations"

  • Blueprint for free trade and free markets/capitalism

  • Discouraged gov't intervention in the economy

  • Ideas seen in today's economies

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French Revolution begins

  • Set to end Feudalism

  • Embraced enlightenment ideas

  • Rise of the peasant class

  • Set to end the monarchy

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Jenner's smallpox vaccine

  • First vaccine to prevent smallpox infections

  • Lead to the development of other technologies to prevent contagious diseases

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Haitian independence

  • Only successful slave rebellion

  • First black republic

  • Second country in the Americas to gain independence to Europe

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British abolish Trans-Atlantic slave trade

  • Freedom for 800,000 people

  • Slave importation increased in South America

  • America experienced a more productive economy

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Janissary Revolt

  • Triggered the start of the Serbian Revolution

  • Deposed Sultan Selim III

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Congress of Vienna

  • First genuine attempt to forge an 'international order'

  • Brought peace to a troubled Europe

  • Napoleon's conquered territories was returned to previous rulers

  • Switzerland became a nation, acted as buffer between France & Austria

  • Kings were brought back

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Independence in Latin America

  • Gave states Latin America full access to international trade

  • Many states in Latin America gained independence

  • Portuguese presence was significantly diminished

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Erie Canal opens

  • Made New York City a major trading port

  • Opened the western part of the U.S. to increase trade and settlement

  • Gave access to resources west of the Appalachians

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1st Opium War in China

  • Resulted in the Treaty of Nanjing

  • China was to cede Hong Kong to the British

  • The British would be able to trade in 5 Chinese ports, rather than 1

  • China refused to ratify the treaties, which lead to the capture of Beijing and the burning of the emperor's palace

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Tanzimat Reforms

  • Development of a new secular school system

  • Reorganization of the army based on the Prussian conscript system

  • Creation of provincial representative assemblies

  • Introduction of new codes of commercial and criminal law , modeled after those of France

  • All actions were taken to adopt European models and become a part of the European nations

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Marx & Engles' "The Communist Manifesto"

  • Basis for modern communism

  • Production, distribution and exchange should be owned by the community as a whole

  • Against capitalism

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European revolutions

  • Rise of the middle class

  • Increased political democracy

  • However, most revolts ultimately ended in failure and repression

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Commodore Perry "opens" Japan

  • Re-established trade between Japan and the West after 200 years

  • Foreign currency disrupted the Japanese monetary system

  • Contributed to the downfall of the Tokugawa Shogunate -> restoration of the Emperor

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Sepoy Mutiny

  • Dissolution of the East India Company

  • Forced the British to reorganize the army, financial system, and administration in India,

  • Began a policy of consultation with Indians

  • British-imposed social measures that antagonized Hindu society were abolished

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Russian "frees" serfs / ends serfdom

  • Marked the the first stage in Russia's democratic transformation

  • Industrial employment and production increased

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U.S. Civil War

  • 625,000 deaths

  • Slavery was abolished -> lead to the freedom of almost 4 million slaves

  • Established a more centralized and powerful gov't

  • The Confederacy collapsed

  • The Union's victory ensured that the U.S. stayed one unified nation

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Italian unification

  • Unified Italian states politically

  • Unified Italy became one of the most populous countries in Europe

  • Freedom from Austrian power weakened Austria -> boosted France's international position

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U.S. Emancipation Proclamation

  • Freed nearly 3.5 million slaves in Confederate states

  • Allowed Black people to serve in the military

  • Strengthened morality among the Union

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Suez Canal Opens

  • Greatly reduced the distance between Europe and Asia, as it provided a direct route (no longer needed to circumvent Africa) -> easier trade

  • Considered one of the most important naval paths for trade between the East and West

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German unification

  • Became a large, wealthy, and powerful nation in Europe

  • Altered the balance of powers set by the Congress of Vienna

  • Guaranteed peace among the previously separate Germanic states

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Berlin Conference

  • European claim that all of Africa could be occupied by whoever can take it

  • Ended up dividing Africa among themselves and formed new boundaries

  • Played a significant role in the conquest of Africa

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Brazil ends slavery

  • Last to do so in the Americas

  • Slavery was the core of Brazilian economy

  • Slavery was encouraged by the Catholic church

  • The process was slow and timid, and many Afro-Brazilians still had to work as a slave

  • Discontent about having a largely Afro-Brazilian population, a policy was passed to try to make Brazilian bloodlines more European through immigration

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New Zealand grants women suffrage

  • First self-governing country in which all women had the right to vote

  • Influenced other major states

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Battle of Adowa

  • Ethiopia's defeat of Italy ensured Ethiopia's unconditional freedom

  • Made Ethiopia a symbol for freedom for the rest of Africa

  • Italy's failure caused discontent, which lead to the Prime Minister's resignation

  • Ehtiopia's victory bolstered their credibility to Europeans

  • Allowed Ethiopia to expand and flourish

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Spanish-American War

  • Peace treaty was created, Spain had to relinquish power over Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, Philippines, to the U.S.

  • Furthered the U.S. as a world power

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Boer War

  • British control over S Africa (Boers)

  • Many Black Africans died in concentration camps

  • Changed the political structure of S Africa *Boers: Dutch and Huguenot populations in S Africa

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