Exam 1
DNA sequencing (predict genes, proteins, protein functions, pathways)
RNA sequencing
analysis of protein/complex purification and mass spec
analysis of metabolites (mass spec and nmr)
size of human map unit
1,000,000 bp
High-resolution recombination mapping
used to find the location of a gene/mutation on a chromosome by analyzing recombinant events (crossing over)
microscopic study of chromosomes
FISH (fluorescent in-situ hybrid)
used to detect specific DNA or RNA sequences using fluorescence
fluorescent probe is short, single-stranded complementary sequence to target
Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes (BAC)
constructed DNA clones for large DNA fragment ~300kb
long contiguous stretches of chromosome DNA
primer walking
method to fill in unknown gaps in DNA sequences
primer from known region is used to obtain the new sequence
new primer created from that in the unknown region overlapping with previous sequence
process repeated
Whole-genome shotgun sequencing (WGS)
used to determine the entire genome sequence of an organism
randomly fragment the DNA, sequence the overlapping fragments, put it all together
only works for small genomes
Size of human genome
3 billion bp
Set of DNA inherited together because of their proximity on the same chromosome
Odds of recombination
=1% recombination * # of generations * fragment length consider / 1,000,000 bp per map unit for humans
genes related by descent from common ancestor
gene from different species that evolved from common ancestor by speciation
retain same function
genes related by duplication within genome
may evolve new functions
C-value paradox
lack of correlation between genome size and developmental/metabolic/behavioral complexity
noncoding regions of DNA that are removed
25% of genome
microRNA and long noncoding RNA
regulates gene expression at different levels
Satellite (repetitive) noncoding RNAs
play a role in establishing condensed heterochromatin at centromeres and telomeres
short tandem repeat (STR)
short sequences (2-6 bp) repeated consecutively
transposable elements (TE)
"jumping genes”
DNA sequences that can move from one location to another in the genome
moving locations can cause mutations
conserved gene content among organisms that recently diverged
ex) last common ancestor between human and mouse was 90 million years ago yet 85% sequence synteny
Robertsonian translocation
long arm of two chromosomes fuse together
human chrom 2 is result of fusion of ape chrom 12 and 13
Neandertal genome is ___% identical to modern humans
All modern humans are ___% identical
Chimpanzees are ___% identical to modern humans
Positive selection in Neanderthal genes
genes affecting keratin function in skin/hair
genes involved in immune system function
Negative selection in Neanderthal genes
some genes contribute to diseases (Type II diabetes)
extinct relative of Neanderthals
hypoxia gene caused high altitude adaptation in Tibetans
gene that is active in frontal brain cortex in humans
involved in glucose metabolism and cell cycle regulation
less neurons formed in Neanderthals TKTL1 than modern human
type of cell contributing to formation of new connective tissue
induces pluripotent stem cells
continued lactase production in adults
mostly in Africa, Middle East, Europe
due to domestication of cattle, camels
Different skin colors
light skin allows vitamin D production under low light
Dark skin protects against skin cancer in high light
Glucose 6P dehydrogenase
high levels defend against free radical damage
low levels provide partial protection against malaria
high numbers in populations with high starch diets
humans have 1-9 copies of the gene
linear chromosome requirements
telomeres, centromeres, origins of replication
4.5 million base pairs
bacteria genome size
4,400 genes
number of genes in bacteria
21,000 genes
number of genes in a worm (C. elegans)
3 billion base pairs
human genome size
20,000 genes
number of genes in human