Rural-urban migration PUSH FACTORS
natural disasters, war and conflict, lack of employment, drought
more jobs, better education and healthcare, increased quality of life, following family members
natural increace
BIRTH RATE -high percentage of population having children, lack of contraception, lack of education on family planning
DEATH RATE - higher life expectancy, improved medical facilities
-collecting rainwater for gardens and flushing toilets
installing water meters and toilets that flush less water
educating peole to use less water
-promoting renewable energy sources
making homes more energy efficient - LED
encouraging people to uise less energy
provide natural cooler areas for people to relax in
encourages people to exersise
reduces the risk of flooding from surface runoff
collection of household waste
more local recyling facilities
greater awareness of the benefits in recycling
Describe east villages sustainable strategies
green spces
widen roads to allow traffic to flow easier
build ring roads and bypasses to keep traffic out of city centres
introduce park and ride schemes to reduce car use
encourage car sharing schemes in work places
having congestion charges which discourages drivers driving in city centres
south - east england
river thames
grew during the industrial revolution
largest and wealthiest city in the uk
one of the most important financial centres in the world
HQ of many international businesses
media and communication networks
education and research hub
culture, entertainement and tourism
during the industrial revolution migrants came from other parts of the uk
lots of job opportunities as a global city
international students
Social - economic
cultural mix
recreation and intertainment
urban greening
Give figures for
urban greening
22% of uk economy is in london
Large TFL and intergrated transport
47% green space
social deprivation and poverty issues in boroughs
shortage of homes making it difficult to afford housing
unemployment and homelessness due to growth of migration
urban sprawl led to decline of greenfield sites
air and waste pollution
had to purchase the land
former residents had to be relocated
land had to be decontaminated from previous pollution
good transport connections to rest of london and uk
legacy of sustainable use of the land
housing and new amenities such as westfield
coastal city
south east of brazil
second most populated city in Brazil (6.5 million)
second largest GDP in Brazil
hosted 2014 world cup and 2016 olympics
headquaters of brazils main companies in oil and gas
christ the redeemer statue is a wonder of the world
portuguese early settlers and slaves in 1502
migration from rural areas for a better quality of life
authorites provide basic material to improve homes with safe electricty and sewage
governemtn demolished houses and created new estates
community policing established agaisnt gangs
greater investment in new roads and rail networks to reduce pollution and increase connection between rich and poor