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What is intellectual disability?
neurodevelopmental disorder
characterized by significantly below average intellectual functioning as well as deficits in two or more adaptive areas
Intelligence Testing
determined by standardized testing
IQ scores range from 0-145
Average IQ
median = 100
average 85-115
standard deviation is 15
ID based on IQ scores
59-69: mild
36-49: moderate
20-35: severe
less than 20: profound
Adaptive functioning
conceptual, social, and practical abilities that children rely on to adapt to changing environments
Mental Age
age at which a child or adolescent is actually functioning
Cause and Incidence
include genetic factors, problems during pregnancy, difficult births, and health problems
prenatal causes- genetic, exposure to teratogens
perinatal- lack of oxygen, prematurity
postnatal- infections, trauma, toxins, neglect
Mild ID
IQ of 50-69
problems in attaining higher levels of cognitive and performance skills
as an adult, lives alone with minimal supervision and partially or completely supports self financially
Moderate ID
IQ of 36-49
needs regular support, likely to have deficits in academic, communicative and social skills
Severe ID
IQ of 20-35
requires regular support in all areas of occupational performance on a regular basis
Profound ID
IQ less than 20
mental functions: functional implications
often have delayed/absent global mental functioning
attention deficits
emotional instability
primary goal of intervention
Language functions
shorter attention spans
difficulty recalling and retrieving words
difficulty with articulation
Behavioral/Emotional Functions
psychosocial disorders
self-stimulating behaviors
hyperactivity, aggressiveness, excessive shyness and distractibility
Sensory Function and Pain: Functional Implications
visual or auditory problems
tactile defensiveness, oral hypersensitivity
Movement-Related Functions
reach motor milestones later than usual
low muscle tone
oral motor control
may exhibit a wide range of motor problems and difficulty learning complex motor tasks
System Functions
more susceptible to cardiac, pulmonary, blood, digestive, metabolic, urinary, reproductive and skin conditions than peers
food allergies
side effects from medicines