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Early Sixteenth Century Church
People from all social groups dedicated time and income to religious causes.
Criticism of Catholic Church
The prestige of the Roman Catholic Church was damaged by various conflicts and issues.
Focused on clerical immorality, ignorance, and pluralism.
Martin Luther
A German professor whose personal struggle led to significant church reforms in the sixteenth century.
Salvation through Faith
Luther believed salvation comes through faith as a gift of God's grace, not human effort.
Ninety-five Theses
Luther's 1517 letter arguing against indulgences and their impact on penance and charity.
Diet of Worms
In 1521, Charles V convened this assembly where Luther refused to recant his ideas.
Ulrich Zwingli
Swiss humanist and priest who emphasized Scripture and criticized the Mass and monasticism.
Protestant Movement
Followers of Luther and Zwingli who sought a break from the Roman Catholic Church.
Spiritual Priesthood
Protestants believed in a spiritual priesthood of all believers rather than a hierarchical church.
Luther vs
Luther believed in Christ's real presence in communion, while Zwingli saw it as spiritual.
Printing Press
Played a crucial role in spreading Protestant ideas and literature.
German Peasants’ War
Economic hardships led peasants to demand reforms, citing Luther's ideas.
Against the Murderous Peasants
Luther's tract opposing the rebellion of peasants during the Peasants' War.
Marriage and Sexuality
Protestant reformers promoted marriage as a remedy for lust and condemned prostitution.
Habsburg Dynasty
Charles V's election as Holy Roman Emperor influenced the Reformation's course.
Religious Wars
Conflicts arose as different faiths were seen as political threats to state security.
Peace of Augsburg
The 1555 agreement allowing territories to choose between Catholicism and Lutheranism.
John Calvin's theology emphasized God's sovereignty and predestination.
Edict of Nantes
Issued by Henry IV in 1598, granting Huguenots liberty of public worship in France.
Witch Hunts
Persecution for witchcraft increased during the Reformation, with many executed, primarily women.
Council of Trent
Reaffirmed Catholic doctrines and addressed issues like pluralism and the sale of indulgences.
Founded by Ignatius Loyola, they played a significant role in strengthening Catholicism and education.
French Calvinists who faced persecution and conflict during the French Wars of Religion.
Union of Utrecht
The 1581 declaration of independence by the northern provinces of the Netherlands from Spain.