Same/opposite direction
Not necessarily same magnitude
Same magnitude
Same direction
Same magnitude
Opposite direction (-a)
AKA null vector
Magnitude of 0
No specific direction
Resultant of 2 opposite vectors
Vector: v
Real number scalar: k
Scalar multiple: kv
Magnitude of |k| |v|
Direction based on the sign of k
k > 0 ~ same direction as v
k < 0 ~ opposite direction as v
a + b = ⟨a₁ + b₁, a₂ + b₂⟩
a - b = ⟨a₁ - b₁, a₂ - b₂⟩
ka = ⟨ka₁, ka₂⟩
|v|(cos θ)i + |v|(sin θ)j
a = |v|(cos θ)
b = |v|(sin θ)